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"Ossigeno" rinvia qua. Per il blocco presente nello spazio vuoto, guarda Aria.
"Zolfo" rinvia qua. Per l'ingrediente di fabbricazione, guarda Polvere da sparo.
"???" rinvia qua. Per la località segreta in Minecraft Dungeons, guarda MCD:???.
Questa pagina descrive una funzione della versione Education. 
Questa funzione è disponibile solo nella in Education Edition oppure abilitando l'opzione "Education Edition" nella in Bedrock Edition.
Questo articolo ha bisogno di essere ripulito per adeguarsi alla guida di stile. [discussione]
Aiuta il Minecraft Wiki ripulendo questa pagina se puoi.
Il problema specifico è: ? aggiungendo immagini al template del blocco, assicurandoti di andare a capo per ogni riga per ogni nuova immagine,
Questa funzione è esclusiva per Bedrock Edition e Education Edition. 
Unknown Element.png: Infobox image for Elemento the blocco in Minecraft
Invicon ???.png: Inventory sprite for ??? in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: ???Invicon Idrogeno.png: Inventory sprite for Idrogeno in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Idrogeno



Sì (64)



Resistenza alle esplosioni










Prende fuoco dalla lava


Gli Elementi e gli isotopi sono blocchi essenziali in chimica nelle Bedrock Edition.

Ottenimento[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Distruzione[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Un elemento può essere rotto istantaneamente con qualsiasi oggetto, e rilascerà sempre sé stesso.

Costruttore elementi[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Gli elementi e gli isotopi si ottengono principalmente costruendoli nel costruttore elementi. Questo viene fatto spostando i cursori o digitando numeri negli input di testo. L'ampio schermo mostra il numero selezionato di particelle disposte in una struttura atomica, valide o meno. Se la struttura atomica è un isotopo stabile, può essere estratto dallo spazio sul lato destro. Di seguito è riportato un elenco di isotopi stabili.

Riduttore di materiali[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Diversi elementi possono essere ottenuti anche da un riduttore di materiali, che scompone i blocchi nei loro elementi componenti in percentuale. Questo è l'unico modo per ottenere l'elemento sconosciuto; un misterioso elemento trovabile in certi blocchi di Minecraft, come la sabbia delle anime e la netherrack.

Poiché il costruttore di elementi e il riduttore di materiali non possono essere ottenuti in modalità sopravvivenza senza comandi, ed il mondo deve avere la modalità “Education Edition” abilitata, lo stesso è valido per gli elementi. Nella Bedrock Edition, l'opzione “Education Edition” permette anche agli elementi di essere ottenuti direttamente via comandi o tramite l'inventario della modalità creativa.

Elenco di elementi ed isotopi[modifica | modifica sorgente]

[nascondi]Tavola periodica degli elementi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 Invicon Idrogeno.png: Inventory sprite for Idrogeno in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Idrogeno with description: Idrogeno Invicon Elio.png: Inventory sprite for Elio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Elio with description: Elio
2 Invicon Litio.png: Inventory sprite for Litio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Litio with description: Litio Invicon Berillio.png: Inventory sprite for Berillio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Berillio with description: Berillio Invicon Boro.png: Inventory sprite for Boro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Boro with description: Boro Invicon Carbonio.png: Inventory sprite for Carbonio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Carbonio with description: Carbonio Invicon Azoto.png: Inventory sprite for Azoto in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Azoto with description: Azoto Invicon Ossigeno.png: Inventory sprite for Ossigeno in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Ossigeno with description: Ossigeno Invicon Fluoro.png: Inventory sprite for Fluoro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Fluoro with description: Fluoro Invicon Neon.png: Inventory sprite for Neon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Neon with description: Neon
3 Invicon Sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Sodio with description: Sodio Invicon Magnesio.png: Inventory sprite for Magnesio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Magnesio with description: Magnesio Invicon Alluminio.png: Inventory sprite for Alluminio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Alluminio with description: Alluminio Invicon Silicio.png: Inventory sprite for Silicio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Silicio with description: Silicio Invicon Fosforo.png: Inventory sprite for Fosforo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Fosforo with description: Fosforo Invicon Zolfo.png: Inventory sprite for Zolfo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Zolfo with description: Zolfo Invicon Cloro.png: Inventory sprite for Cloro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Cloro with description: Cloro Invicon Argon.png: Inventory sprite for Argon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Argon with description: Argon
4 Invicon Potassio.png: Inventory sprite for Potassio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Potassio with description: Potassio Invicon Calcio.png: Inventory sprite for Calcio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Calcio with description: Calcio Invicon Scandio.png: Inventory sprite for Scandio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Scandio with description: Scandio Invicon Titanio.png: Inventory sprite for Titanio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Titanio with description: Titanio Invicon Vanadio.png: Inventory sprite for Vanadio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Vanadio with description: Vanadio Invicon Cromo.png: Inventory sprite for Cromo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Cromo with description: Cromo Invicon Manganese.png: Inventory sprite for Manganese in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Manganese with description: Manganese Invicon Ferro.png: Inventory sprite for Ferro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Ferro with description: Ferro Invicon Cobalto.png: Inventory sprite for Cobalto in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Cobalto with description: Cobalto Invicon Nichel.png: Inventory sprite for Nichel in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Nichel with description: Nichel Invicon Rame.png: Inventory sprite for Rame in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Rame with description: Rame Invicon Zinco.png: Inventory sprite for Zinco in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Zinco with description: Zinco Invicon Gallio.png: Inventory sprite for Gallio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Gallio with description: Gallio Invicon Germanio.png: Inventory sprite for Germanio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Germanio with description: Germanio Invicon Arsenico.png: Inventory sprite for Arsenico in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Arsenico with description: Arsenico Invicon Selenio.png: Inventory sprite for Selenio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Selenio with description: Selenio Invicon Bromo.png: Inventory sprite for Bromo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Bromo with description: Bromo Invicon Kripton.png: Inventory sprite for Kripton in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Kripton with description: Kripton
5 Invicon Rubidio.png: Inventory sprite for Rubidio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Rubidio with description: Rubidio Invicon Stronzio.png: Inventory sprite for Stronzio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Stronzio with description: Stronzio Invicon Ittrio.png: Inventory sprite for Ittrio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Ittrio with description: Ittrio Invicon Zirconio.png: Inventory sprite for Zirconio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Zirconio with description: Zirconio Invicon Niobio.png: Inventory sprite for Niobio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Niobio with description: Niobio Invicon Molibdeno.png: Inventory sprite for Molibdeno in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Molibdeno with description: Molibdeno Invicon Tecnezio.png: Inventory sprite for Tecnezio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Tecnezio with description: Tecnezio Invicon Rutenio.png: Inventory sprite for Rutenio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Rutenio with description: Rutenio Invicon Rodio.png: Inventory sprite for Rodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Rodio with description: Rodio Invicon Palladio.png: Inventory sprite for Palladio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Palladio with description: Palladio Invicon Argento.png: Inventory sprite for Argento in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Argento with description: Argento Invicon Cadmio.png: Inventory sprite for Cadmio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Cadmio with description: Cadmio Invicon Indio.png: Inventory sprite for Indio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Indio with description: Indio Invicon Stagno.png: Inventory sprite for Stagno in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Stagno with description: Stagno Invicon Antimonio.png: Inventory sprite for Antimonio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Antimonio with description: Antimonio Invicon Tellurio.png: Inventory sprite for Tellurio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Tellurio with description: Tellurio Invicon Iodio.png: Inventory sprite for Iodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Iodio with description: Iodio Invicon Xeno.png: Inventory sprite for Xeno in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Xeno with description: Xeno
6 Invicon Cesio.png: Inventory sprite for Cesio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Cesio with description: Cesio Invicon Bario.png: Inventory sprite for Bario in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Bario with description: Bario * Invicon Afnio.png: Inventory sprite for Afnio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Afnio with description: Afnio Invicon Tantalio.png: Inventory sprite for Tantalio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Tantalio with description: Tantalio Invicon Tungsteno.png: Inventory sprite for Tungsteno in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Tungsteno with description: Tungsteno Invicon Renio.png: Inventory sprite for Renio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Renio with description: Renio Invicon Osmio.png: Inventory sprite for Osmio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Osmio with description: Osmio Invicon Iridio.png: Inventory sprite for Iridio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Iridio with description: Iridio Invicon Platino.png: Inventory sprite for Platino in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Platino with description: Platino Invicon Oro.png: Inventory sprite for Oro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Oro with description: Oro Invicon Mercurio.png: Inventory sprite for Mercurio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Mercurio with description: Mercurio Invicon Tallio.png: Inventory sprite for Tallio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Tallio with description: Tallio Invicon Piombo.png: Inventory sprite for Piombo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Piombo with description: Piombo Invicon Bismuto.png: Inventory sprite for Bismuto in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Bismuto with description: Bismuto Invicon Polonio.png: Inventory sprite for Polonio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Polonio with description: Polonio Invicon Astato.png: Inventory sprite for Astato in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Astato with description: Astato Invicon Radon.png: Inventory sprite for Radon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Radon with description: Radon
7 Invicon Francio.png: Inventory sprite for Francio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Francio with description: Francio Invicon Radio.png: Inventory sprite for Radio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Radio with description: Radio *
Invicon Rutherfordio.png: Inventory sprite for Rutherfordio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Rutherfordio with description: Rutherfordio Invicon Dubnio.png: Inventory sprite for Dubnio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Dubnio with description: Dubnio Invicon Seaborgio.png: Inventory sprite for Seaborgio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Seaborgio with description: Seaborgio Invicon Bohrio.png: Inventory sprite for Bohrio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Bohrio with description: Bohrio Invicon Hassio.png: Inventory sprite for Hassio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Hassio with description: Hassio Invicon Meitnerio.png: Inventory sprite for Meitnerio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Meitnerio with description: Meitnerio Invicon Darmstadtio.png: Inventory sprite for Darmstadtio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Darmstadtio with description: Darmstadtio Invicon Roentgenio.png: Inventory sprite for Roentgenio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Roentgenio with description: Roentgenio Invicon Copernicio.png: Inventory sprite for Copernicio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Copernicio with description: Copernicio Invicon Nihonio.png: Inventory sprite for Nihonio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Nihonio with description: Nihonio Invicon Flerovio.png: Inventory sprite for Flerovio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Flerovio with description: Flerovio Invicon Moscovio.png: Inventory sprite for Moscovio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Moscovio with description: Moscovio Invicon Livermorio.png: Inventory sprite for Livermorio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Livermorio with description: Livermorio Invicon Tennesso.png: Inventory sprite for Tennesso in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Tennesso with description: Tennesso Invicon Oganesson.png: Inventory sprite for Oganesson in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Oganesson with description: Oganesson
? Invicon ???.png: Inventory sprite for ??? in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Sconosciuto with description: ???
* Invicon Lantanio.png: Inventory sprite for Lantanio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Lantanio with description: Lantanio Invicon Cerio.png: Inventory sprite for Cerio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Cerio with description: Cerio Invicon Praseodimio.png: Inventory sprite for Praseodimio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Praseodimio with description: Praseodimio Invicon Neodimio.png: Inventory sprite for Neodimio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Neodimio with description: Neodimio Invicon Promezio.png: Inventory sprite for Promezio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Promezio with description: Promezio Invicon Samario.png: Inventory sprite for Samario in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Samario with description: Samario Invicon Europio.png: Inventory sprite for Europio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Europio with description: Europio Invicon Gadolinio.png: Inventory sprite for Gadolinio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Gadolinio with description: Gadolinio Invicon Terbio.png: Inventory sprite for Terbio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Terbio with description: Terbio Invicon Disprosio.png: Inventory sprite for Disprosio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Disprosio with description: Disprosio Invicon Olmio.png: Inventory sprite for Olmio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Olmio with description: Olmio Invicon Erbio.png: Inventory sprite for Erbio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Erbio with description: Erbio Invicon Tulio.png: Inventory sprite for Tulio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Tulio with description: Tulio Invicon Itterbio.png: Inventory sprite for Itterbio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Itterbio with description: Itterbio Invicon Lutezio.png: Inventory sprite for Lutezio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Lutezio with description: Lutezio
Invicon Attinio.png: Inventory sprite for Attinio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Attinio with description: Attinio Invicon Torio.png: Inventory sprite for Torio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Torio with description: Torio Invicon Protoattinio.png: Inventory sprite for Protoattinio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Protoattinio with description: Protoattinio Invicon Uranio.png: Inventory sprite for Uranio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Uranio with description: Uranio Invicon Nettunio.png: Inventory sprite for Nettunio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Nettunio with description: Nettunio Invicon Plutonio.png: Inventory sprite for Plutonio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Plutonio with description: Plutonio Invicon Americio.png: Inventory sprite for Americio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Americio with description: Americio Invicon Curio.png: Inventory sprite for Curio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Curio with description: Curio Invicon Berkelio.png: Inventory sprite for Berkelio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Berkelio with description: Berkelio Invicon Californio.png: Inventory sprite for Californio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Californio with description: Californio Invicon Einsteinio.png: Inventory sprite for Einsteinio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Einsteinio with description: Einsteinio Invicon Fermio.png: Inventory sprite for Fermio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Fermio with description: Fermio Invicon Mendelevio.png: Inventory sprite for Mendelevio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Mendelevio with description: Mendelevio Invicon Nobelio.png: Inventory sprite for Nobelio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Nobelio with description: Nobelio Invicon Laurenzio.png: Inventory sprite for Laurenzio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Laurenzio with description: Laurenzio
Invicon Metallo alcalino.png: Inventory sprite for Metallo alcalino in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Metalli alcalini with description: Metallo alcalinoMetallo alcalino Invicon Metallo alcalino terroso.png: Inventory sprite for Metallo alcalino terroso in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Metalli alcalino terrosi with description: Metallo alcalino terrosoMetallo alcalino terroso Invicon Metallo di transizione.png: Inventory sprite for Metallo di transizione in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Metalli di transizione with description: Metallo di transizioneMetallo di transizione Invicon Metallo di post-transizione.png: Inventory sprite for Metallo di post-transizione in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Metalli di post-transizione with description: Metallo di post-transizioneMetallo di post-transizione
Invicon Lantanoide.png: Inventory sprite for Lantanoide in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Lantanoidi with description: LantanoideLantanoide Invicon Attinoide.png: Inventory sprite for Attinoide in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Attinoidi with description: AttinoideAttinoide Invicon Semimetallo.png: Inventory sprite for Semimetallo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Semimetalli with description: SemimetalloSemimetallo Invicon Non metallo.png: Inventory sprite for Non metallo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Non metalli with description: Non metalloNon metallo Invicon Alogeno.png: Inventory sprite for Alogeno in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Alogeni with description: AlogenoAlogeno Invicon Gas nobile.png: Inventory sprite for Gas nobile in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elemento#Gas nobili with description: Gas nobileGas nobile
Simbolo atomico Elemento Particelle
Invicon ???.png: Inventory sprite for ??? in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: ??? ??? La struttura atomica dell'elemento sconosciuto non può essere osservata nel costruttore elementi.
Questo sezione ha bisogno di essere ripulito per adeguarsi alla guida di stile. [discussione]
Aiuta il Minecraft Wiki ripulendo questa pagina se puoi.
Il problema specifico è: Le masse atomiche non si collegano correttamente con gli isotopi. La tabella dovrebbe essere riscritta utilizzando {{#expr:}} per calcolare la massa come somma di protoni e neutroni.

Metalli alcalini[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Litio.png: Inventory sprite for Litio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Litio Litio 3 3 3 7
Invicon Sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Sodio Sodio 11 11 11 23
Invicon Potassio.png: Inventory sprite for Potassio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Potassio Potassio 19 19 20 39
Invicon Rubidio.png: Inventory sprite for Rubidio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Rubidio Rubidio 37 37 48 85
Invicon Cesio.png: Inventory sprite for Cesio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Cesio Cesio 55 55 74 133
Invicon Francio.png: Inventory sprite for Francio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Francio Francio 87 87 136 223

Metalli alcalino terrosi[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Berillio.png: Inventory sprite for Berillio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Berillio Berillio 4 4 5 9
Invicon Magnesio.png: Inventory sprite for Magnesio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Magnesio Magnesio 12 12 12 24
Invicon Calcio.png: Inventory sprite for Calcio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Calcio Calcio 20 20 20 40
Invicon Stronzio.png: Inventory sprite for Stronzio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Stronzio Stronzio 38 38 46 88
Invicon Bario.png: Inventory sprite for Bario in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Bario Bario 56 56 74 137
Invicon Radio.png: Inventory sprite for Radio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Radio Radio 88 88 135 226

Metalli di transizione[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Metalli di transizione (Periodi 4-5)[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Scandio.png: Inventory sprite for Scandio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Scandio Scandio 21 21 24 45
Invicon Titanio.png: Inventory sprite for Titanio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Titanio Titanio 22 22 24 48
Invicon Vanadio.png: Inventory sprite for Vanadio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Vanadio Vanadio 23 23 27 51
Invicon Cromo.png: Inventory sprite for Cromo in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Cromo Cromo 24 24 26 52
Invicon Manganese.png: Inventory sprite for Manganese in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Manganese Manganese 25 25 29 55
Invicon Ferro.png: Inventory sprite for Ferro in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Ferro Ferro 26 26 26 56
Invicon Cobalto.png: Inventory sprite for Cobalto in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Cobalto Cobalto 27 27 30 59
Invicon Nichel.png: Inventory sprite for Nichel in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Nichel Nichel 28 28 30 59
Invicon Rame.png: Inventory sprite for Rame in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Rame Rame 29 29 34 64
Invicon Zinco.png: Inventory sprite for Zinco in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Zinco Zinco 30 30 34 65
Invicon Ittrio.png: Inventory sprite for Ittrio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Ittrio Ittrio 39 39 50 89
Invicon Zirconio.png: Inventory sprite for Zirconio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Zirconio Zirconio 40 40 50 91
Invicon Niobio.png: Inventory sprite for Niobio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Niobio Niobio 41 41 52 93
Invicon Molibdeno.png: Inventory sprite for Molibdeno in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Molibdeno Molibdeno 42 42 50 96
Invicon Tecnezio.png: Inventory sprite for Tecnezio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tecnezio Tecnezio 43 43 54 98
Invicon Rutenio.png: Inventory sprite for Rutenio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Rutenio Rutenio 44 44 52 101
Invicon Rodio.png: Inventory sprite for Rodio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Rodio Rodio 45 45 58 103
Invicon Palladio.png: Inventory sprite for Palladio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Palladio Palladio 46 46 56 106
Invicon Argento.png: Inventory sprite for Argento in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Argento Argento 47 47 60 108
Invicon Cadmio.png: Inventory sprite for Cadmio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Cadmio Cadmio 48 48 58 112

Metalli di transizione (Periodi 6-7)[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Afnio.png: Inventory sprite for Afnio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Afnio Afnio 72 72 102 178
Invicon Tantalio.png: Inventory sprite for Tantalio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tantalio Tantalio 73 73 107 181
Invicon Tungsteno.png: Inventory sprite for Tungsteno in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tungsteno Tungsteno 74 74 106 184
Invicon Renio.png: Inventory sprite for Renio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Renio Renio 75 75 110 186
Invicon Osmio.png: Inventory sprite for Osmio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Osmio Osmio 76 76 108 190
Invicon Iridio.png: Inventory sprite for Iridio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Iridio Iridio 77 77 114 192
Invicon Platino.png: Inventory sprite for Platino in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Platino Platino 78 78 112 195
Invicon Oro.png: Inventory sprite for Oro in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Oro Oro 79 79 118 197
Invicon Mercurio.png: Inventory sprite for Mercurio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Mercurio Mercurio 80 80 116 201
Invicon Rutherfordio.png: Inventory sprite for Rutherfordio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Rutherfordio Rutherfordio 104 104 163 267
Invicon Dubnio.png: Inventory sprite for Dubnio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Dubnio Dubnio 105 105 163 268
Invicon Seaborgio.png: Inventory sprite for Seaborgio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Seaborgio Seaborgio 106 106 163 269
Invicon Bohrio.png: Inventory sprite for Bohrio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Bohrio Bohrio 107 107 162 269
Invicon Hassio.png: Inventory sprite for Hassio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Hassio Hassio 108 108 161 269
Invicon Meitnerio.png: Inventory sprite for Meitnerio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Meitnerio Meitnerio 109 109 169 278
Invicon Darmstadtio.png: Inventory sprite for Darmstadtio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Darmstadtio Darmstadtio 110 110 171 281
Invicon Roentgenio.png: Inventory sprite for Roentgenio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Roentgenio Roentgenio 111 111 171 282
Invicon Copernicio.png: Inventory sprite for Copernicio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Copernicio Copernicio 112 112 173 285

Metalli di post-transizione[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Alluminio.png: Inventory sprite for Alluminio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Alluminio Alluminio 13 13 14 27
Invicon Gallio.png: Inventory sprite for Gallio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Gallio Gallio 31 31 36 70
Invicon Indio.png: Inventory sprite for Indio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Indio Indio 49 49 62 115
Invicon Stagno.png: Inventory sprite for Stagno in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Stagno Stagno 50 50 62 119
Invicon Tallio.png: Inventory sprite for Tallio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tallio Tallio 81 81 120 204
Invicon Piombo.png: Inventory sprite for Piombo in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Piombo Piombo 82 82 122 207
Invicon Bismuto.png: Inventory sprite for Bismuto in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Bismuto Bismuto 83 83 124 209
Invicon Nihonio.png: Inventory sprite for Nihonio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Nihonio Nihonio 113 113 173 286
Invicon Flerovio.png: Inventory sprite for Flerovio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Flerovio Flerovio 114 114 175 289
Invicon Moscovio.png: Inventory sprite for Moscovio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Moscovio Moscovio 115 115 175 290
Invicon Livermorio.png: Inventory sprite for Livermorio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Livermorio Livermorio 116 116 177 293

Semimetalli[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Boro.png: Inventory sprite for Boro in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Boro Boro 5 5 5 11
Invicon Silicio.png: Inventory sprite for Silicio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Silicio Silicio 14 14 14 28
Invicon Germanio.png: Inventory sprite for Germanio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Germanio Germanio 32 32 36 73
Invicon Arsenico.png: Inventory sprite for Arsenico in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Arsenico Arsenico 33 33 42 75
Invicon Antimonio.png: Inventory sprite for Antimonio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Antimonio Antimonio 51 51 70 122
Invicon Tellurio.png: Inventory sprite for Tellurio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tellurio Tellurio 52 52 68 128
Invicon Polonio.png: Inventory sprite for Polonio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Polonio Polonio 84 84 125 209

Non metalli[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Idrogeno.png: Inventory sprite for Idrogeno in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Idrogeno Idrogeno 1 1 0 1
Invicon Carbonio.png: Inventory sprite for Carbonio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Carbonio Carbonio 6 6 5 12
Invicon Azoto.png: Inventory sprite for Azoto in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Azoto Azoto 7 7 7 14
Invicon Ossigeno.png: Inventory sprite for Ossigeno in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Ossigeno Ossigeno 8 8 8 16
Invicon Fosforo.png: Inventory sprite for Fosforo in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Fosforo Fosforo 15 15 16 31
Invicon Zolfo.png: Inventory sprite for Zolfo in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Zolfo Zolfo 16 16 16 32
Invicon Selenio.png: Inventory sprite for Selenio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Selenio Selenio 34 34 40 79

Alogeni[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Fluoro.png: Inventory sprite for Fluoro in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Fluoro Fluoro 9 9 9 18
10 19
Invicon Cloro.png: Inventory sprite for Cloro in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Cloro Cloro 17 17 18 35
Invicon Bromo.png: Inventory sprite for Bromo in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Bromo Bromo 35 35 44 80
Invicon Iodio.png: Inventory sprite for Iodio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Iodio Iodio 53 53 70 127
Invicon Astato.png: Inventory sprite for Astato in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Astato Astato 85 85 125 210
Invicon Tennesso.png: Inventory sprite for Tennesso in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tennesso Tennesso 117 117 177 294

Gas nobili[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Elio.png: Inventory sprite for Elio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Elio Elio 2 2 1 4
Invicon Neon.png: Inventory sprite for Neon in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Neon Neon 10 10 10 20
Invicon Argon.png: Inventory sprite for Argon in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Argon Argon 18 18 18 40
Invicon Kripton.png: Inventory sprite for Kripton in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Kripton Kripton 36 36 42 84
Invicon Xeno.png: Inventory sprite for Xeno in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Xeno Xeno 54 54 70 131
Invicon Radon.png: Inventory sprite for Radon in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Radon Radon 86 86 125 222
Invicon Oganesson.png: Inventory sprite for Oganesson in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Oganesson Oganesson 118 118 176 294

Lantanoidi[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Lantanio.png: Inventory sprite for Lantanio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Lantanio Lantanio 57 57 81 139
Invicon Cerio.png: Inventory sprite for Cerio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Cerio Cerio 58 58 78 140
Invicon Praseodimio.png: Inventory sprite for Praseodimio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Praseodimio Praseodimio 59 59 82 141
Invicon Neodimio.png: Inventory sprite for Neodimio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Neodimio Neodimio 60 60 82 144
Invicon Promezio.png: Inventory sprite for Promezio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Promezio Promezio 61 61 83 145
Invicon Samario.png: Inventory sprite for Samario in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Samario Samario 62 62 82 150
Invicon Europio.png: Inventory sprite for Europio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Europio Europio 63 63 88 152
Invicon Gadolinio.png: Inventory sprite for Gadolinio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Gadolinio Gadolinio 64 64 88 157
Invicon Terbio.png: Inventory sprite for Terbio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Terbio Terbio 65 65 94 159
Invicon Disprosio.png: Inventory sprite for Disprosio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Disprosio Disprosio 66 66 90 163
Invicon Olmio.png: Inventory sprite for Olmio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Olmio Olmio 67 67 98 165
Invicon Erbio.png: Inventory sprite for Erbio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Erbio Erbio 68 68 94 167
Invicon Tulio.png: Inventory sprite for Tulio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tulio Tulio 69 69 100 169
Invicon Itterbio.png: Inventory sprite for Itterbio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Itterbio Itterbio 70 70 98 173
Invicon Lutezio.png: Inventory sprite for Lutezio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Lutezio Lutezio 71 71 104 175

Attinoidi[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Simbolo atomico Elemento Protoni Elettroni Neutroni [nascondi]Peso atomico
Invicon Attinio.png: Inventory sprite for Attinio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Attinio Attinio 89 89 138 227
Invicon Torio.png: Inventory sprite for Torio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Torio Torio 90 90 138
142 232
Invicon Protoattinio.png: Inventory sprite for Protoattinio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Protoattinio Protoattinio 91 91 140 231
Invicon Uranio.png: Inventory sprite for Uranio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Uranio Uranio 92 92 141
146 238
Invicon Nettunio.png: Inventory sprite for Nettunio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Nettunio Nettunio 93 93 144 237
Invicon Plutonio.png: Inventory sprite for Plutonio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Plutonio Plutonio 94 94 144 244
Invicon Americio.png: Inventory sprite for Americio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Americio Americio 95 95 146 243
Invicon Curio.png: Inventory sprite for Curio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Curio Curio 96 96 147 247
Invicon Berkelio.png: Inventory sprite for Berkelio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Berkelio Berkelio 97 97 150 247
Invicon Californio.png: Inventory sprite for Californio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Californio Californio 98 98 151 251
Invicon Einsteinio.png: Inventory sprite for Einsteinio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Einsteinio Einsteinio 99 99 153 252
Invicon Fermio.png: Inventory sprite for Fermio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Fermio Fermio 100 100 157 257
Invicon Mendelevio.png: Inventory sprite for Mendelevio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Mendelevio Mendelevio 101 101 155 258
Invicon Nobelio.png: Inventory sprite for Nobelio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Nobelio Nobelio 102 102 157 259
Invicon Laurenzio.png: Inventory sprite for Laurenzio in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Laurenzio Laurenzio 103 103 159 262

Utilizzo[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Gli elementi possono essere piazzati come blocchi decorativi, oppure utilizzati come ingredienti nella fabbricazione, nella distillazione od anche negli esperimenti al tavolo da laboratorio. Possono anche essere combinati in un composto utilizzando il creatore composti. Per vedere la lista completa dei composti vedi la pagina in questione.

Come ingrediente nella fabbricazione[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Nome Ingredienti Ricetta di Fabbricazione [nascondi]Descrizione
Palloncino bianco o
Palloncino blu o
Palloncino marrone o
Palloncino nero
Lattice +
Farina di ossa o
Lapislazzuli o
Fave di cacao o
Sacca d'inchiostro +
Elio +
Invicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Farina di ossa.png: Inventory sprite for Farina di ossa in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Farina di ossa with description: Farina di ossaInvicon Lapislazzuli.png: Inventory sprite for Lapislazzuli in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lapislazzuli with description: LapislazzuliInvicon Fave di cacao.png: Inventory sprite for Fave di cacao in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Fave di cacao with description: Fave di cacaoInvicon Sacca d'inchiostro.png: Inventory sprite for Sacca d'inchiostro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Sacca d'inchiostro with description: Sacca d'inchiostroInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Elio.png: Inventory sprite for Elio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elio with description: ElioInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Guinzaglio.png: Inventory sprite for Guinzaglio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Guinzaglio with description: GuinzaglioInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: Lattice
Invicon Palloncino bianco.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino bianco in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino bianco with description: Palloncino biancoInvicon Palloncino blu.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino blu in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino blu with description: Palloncino bluInvicon Palloncino marrone.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino marrone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino marrone with description: Palloncino marroneInvicon Palloncino nero.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino nero in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino nero with description: Palloncino nero
[Solo su Edizioni Bedrock e Education]
Palloncino corrispondente Lattice +
Colorante corrispondente +
Elio +
Invicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Colorante bianco.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante bianco in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante bianco with description: Colorante biancoInvicon Colorante arancione.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante arancione in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante arancione with description: Colorante arancioneInvicon Colorante magenta.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante magenta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante magenta with description: Colorante magentaInvicon Colorante azzurro.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante azzurro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante azzurro with description: Colorante azzurroInvicon Colorante giallo.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante giallo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante giallo with description: Colorante gialloInvicon Colorante lime.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante lime in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante lime with description: Colorante limeInvicon Colorante rosa.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante rosa in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante rosa with description: Colorante rosaInvicon Colorante grigio.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante grigio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante grigio with description: Colorante grigioInvicon Colorante grigio chiaro.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante grigio chiaro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante grigio chiaro with description: Colorante grigio chiaroInvicon Colorante ciano.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante ciano in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante ciano with description: Colorante cianoInvicon Colorante viola.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante viola in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante viola with description: Colorante violaInvicon Colorante blu.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante blu in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante blu with description: Colorante bluInvicon Colorante marrone.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante marrone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante marrone with description: Colorante marroneInvicon Colorante verde.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante verde in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante verde with description: Colorante verdeInvicon Colorante rosso.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante rosso in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante rosso with description: Colorante rossoInvicon Colorante nero.png: Inventory sprite for Colorante nero in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Colorante nero with description: Colorante neroInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Elio.png: Inventory sprite for Elio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elio with description: ElioInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: LatticeInvicon Guinzaglio.png: Inventory sprite for Guinzaglio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Guinzaglio with description: GuinzaglioInvicon Lattice.png: Inventory sprite for Lattice in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lattice with description: Lattice
Invicon Palloncino bianco.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino bianco in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino bianco with description: Palloncino biancoInvicon Palloncino arancione.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino arancione in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino arancione with description: Palloncino arancioneInvicon Palloncino magenta.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino magenta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino magenta with description: Palloncino magentaInvicon Palloncino azzurro.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino azzurro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino azzurro with description: Palloncino azzurroInvicon Palloncino giallo.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino giallo in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino giallo with description: Palloncino gialloInvicon Palloncino lime.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino lime in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino lime with description: Palloncino limeInvicon Palloncino rosa.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino rosa in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino rosa with description: Palloncino rosaInvicon Palloncino grigio.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino grigio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino grigio with description: Palloncino grigioInvicon Palloncino grigio chiaro.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino grigio chiaro in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino grigio chiaro with description: Palloncino grigio chiaroInvicon Palloncino ciano.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino ciano in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino ciano with description: Palloncino cianoInvicon Palloncino viola.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino viola in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino viola with description: Palloncino violaInvicon Palloncino blu.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino blu in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino blu with description: Palloncino bluInvicon Palloncino marrone.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino marrone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino marrone with description: Palloncino marroneInvicon Palloncino verde.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino verde in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino verde with description: Palloncino verdeInvicon Palloncino rosso.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino rosso in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino rosso with description: Palloncino rossoInvicon Palloncino nero.png: Inventory sprite for Palloncino nero in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Palloncino nero with description: Palloncino nero
[Solo su Edizioni Bedrock e Education]

Come ingrediente nella distillazione[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Nome Ingredienti [nascondi]Ricetta di Distillazione
Antidoto Argento +
Pozione strana

Invicon Argento.png: Inventory sprite for Argento in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Argento with description: Argento

Invicon Antidoto.png: Inventory sprite for Antidoto in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Antidoto with description: Antidoto
Elisir Cobalto +
Pozione strana

Invicon Cobalto.png: Inventory sprite for Cobalto in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cobalto with description: Cobalto

Invicon Elisir.png: Inventory sprite for Elisir in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Elisir with description: Elisir
Lacrime Calcio +
Pozione strana

Invicon Calcio.png: Inventory sprite for Calcio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Calcio with description: Calcio

Invicon Lacrime.png: Inventory sprite for Lacrime in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lacrime with description: Lacrime
Acqua tonica Bismuto +
Pozione strana

Invicon Bismuto.png: Inventory sprite for Bismuto in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Bismuto with description: Bismuto

Invicon Acqua tonica.png: Inventory sprite for Acqua tonica in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Acqua tonica with description: Acqua tonica

Come ingrediente nel tavolo da laboratorio[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Risultato Materiali necessari
Invicon Blocco termico.gif: Inventory sprite for Blocco termico in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blocco termico with description: Blocco termico
Blocco termico
Invicon Ferro.png: Inventory sprite for Ferro in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: FerroInvicon Acqua (composto).png: Inventory sprite for Acqua (composto) in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: AcquaInvicon Carbonella.png: Inventory sprite for Carbonella in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Carbonella with description: CarbonellaInvicon Sale.png: Inventory sprite for Sale in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Sale
Ferro, Acqua, Carbonella, Sale
Invicon Super fertilizzante.png: Inventory sprite for Super fertilizzante in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Super fertilizzante with description: Super fertilizzante
Super fertilizzante
Invicon Ammoniaca.png: Inventory sprite for Ammoniaca in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: AmmoniacaInvicon Fosforo.png: Inventory sprite for Fosforo in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Fosforo
Ammoniaca, Fosforo
Invicon Candeggina.png: Inventory sprite for Candeggina in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Candeggina with description: Candeggina
Invicon Acqua (composto).png: Inventory sprite for Acqua (composto) in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: AcquaInvicon Acqua (composto).png: Inventory sprite for Acqua (composto) in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: AcquaInvicon Acqua (composto).png: Inventory sprite for Acqua (composto) in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: AcquaInvicon Ipoclorito di sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Ipoclorito di sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Ipoclorito di sodioInvicon Ipoclorito di sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Ipoclorito di sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Ipoclorito di sodioInvicon Ipoclorito di sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Ipoclorito di sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Ipoclorito di sodio
Acqua x3, Ipoclorito di sodio x3
Invicon Bomba di ghiaccio.png: Inventory sprite for Bomba di ghiaccio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Bomba di ghiaccio with description: Bomba di ghiaccio
Bomba di ghiaccio
Invicon Acetato di sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Acetato di sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Acetato di sodioInvicon Acetato di sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Acetato di sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Acetato di sodioInvicon Acetato di sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Acetato di sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Acetato di sodioInvicon Acetato di sodio.png: Inventory sprite for Acetato di sodio in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Composto with description: Acetato di sodio
Acetato di sodio x4

Valore dei dati[modifica | modifica sorgente]

ID[modifica | modifica sorgente]

NomeIdentificatoreID Numerico Chiave di traduzione
???element_0 36tile.element_0.name
Idrogenoelement_1 267tile.element_1.name
Elioelement_2 268tile.element_2.name
Litioelement_3 269tile.element_3.name
Berillioelement_4 270tile.element_4.name
Boroelement_5 271tile.element_5.name
Carbonioelement_6 272tile.element_6.name
Azotoelement_7 273tile.element_7.name
Ossigenoelement_8 274tile.element_8.name
Fluoroelement_9 275tile.element_9.name
Neonelement_10 276tile.element_10.name
Sodioelement_11 277tile.element_11.name
Magnesioelement_12 278tile.element_12.name
Alluminioelement_13 279tile.element_13.name
Silicioelement_14 280tile.element_14.name
Fosforoelement_15 281tile.element_15.name
Zolfoelement_16 282tile.element_16.name
Cloroelement_17 283tile.element_17.name
Argonelement_18 284tile.element_18.name
Potassioelement_19 285tile.element_19.name
Calcioelement_20 286tile.element_20.name
Scandioelement_21 287tile.element_21.name
Titanioelement_22 288tile.element_22.name
Vanadioelement_23 289tile.element_23.name
Cromoelement_24 290tile.element_24.name
Manganeseelement_25 291tile.element_25.name
Ferroelement_26 292tile.element_26.name
Cobaltoelement_27 293tile.element_27.name
Nichelelement_28 294tile.element_28.name
Rameelement_29 295tile.element_29.name
Zincoelement_30 296tile.element_30.name
Gallioelement_31 297tile.element_31.name
Germanioelement_32 298tile.element_32.name
Arsenicoelement_33 299tile.element_33.name
Selenioelement_34 300tile.element_34.name
Bromoelement_35 301tile.element_35.name
Kriptonelement_36 302tile.element_36.name
Rubidioelement_37 303tile.element_37.name
Stronzioelement_38 304tile.element_38.name
Ittrioelement_39 305tile.element_39.name
Zirconioelement_40 306tile.element_40.name
Niobioelement_41 307tile.element_41.name
Molibdenoelement_42 308tile.element_42.name
Tecnezioelement_43 309tile.element_43.name
Rutenioelement_44 310tile.element_44.name
Rodioelement_45 311tile.element_45.name
Palladioelement_46 312tile.element_46.name
Argentoelement_47 313tile.element_47.name
Cadmioelement_48 314tile.element_48.name
Indioelement_49 315tile.element_49.name
Stagnoelement_50 316tile.element_50.name
Antimonioelement_51 317tile.element_51.name
Tellurioelement_52 318tile.element_52.name
Iodioelement_53 319tile.element_53.name
Xenoelement_54 320tile.element_54.name
Cesioelement_55 321tile.element_55.name
Barioelement_56 322tile.element_56.name
Lantanioelement_57 323tile.element_57.name
Cerioelement_58 324tile.element_58.name
Praseodimioelement_59 325tile.element_59.name
Neodimioelement_60 326tile.element_60.name
Promezioelement_61 327tile.element_61.name
Samarioelement_62 328tile.element_62.name
Europioelement_63 329tile.element_63.name
Gadolinioelement_64 330tile.element_64.name
Terbioelement_65 331tile.element_65.name
Disprosioelement_66 332tile.element_66.name
Olmioelement_67 333tile.element_67.name
Erbioelement_68 334tile.element_68.name
Tulioelement_69 335tile.element_69.name
Itterbioelement_70 336tile.element_70.name
Lutezioelement_71 337tile.element_71.name
Afnioelement_72 338tile.element_72.name
Tantalioelement_73 339tile.element_73.name
Tungstenoelement_74 340tile.element_74.name
Renioelement_75 341tile.element_75.name
Osmioelement_76 342tile.element_76.name
Iridioelement_77 343tile.element_77.name
Platinoelement_78 344tile.element_78.name
Oroelement_79 345tile.element_79.name
Mercurioelement_80 346tile.element_80.name
Tallioelement_81 347tile.element_81.name
Piomboelement_82 348tile.element_82.name
Bismutoelement_83 349tile.element_83.name
Polonioelement_84 350tile.element_84.name
Astatoelement_85 351tile.element_85.name
Radonelement_86 352tile.element_86.name
Francioelement_87 353tile.element_87.name
Radioelement_88 354tile.element_88.name
Attinioelement_89 355tile.element_89.name
Torioelement_90 356tile.element_90.name
Protoattinioelement_91 357tile.element_91.name
Uranioelement_92 358tile.element_92.name
Nettunioelement_93 359tile.element_93.name
Plutonioelement_94 360tile.element_94.name
Americioelement_95 361tile.element_95.name
Curioelement_96 362tile.element_96.name
Berkelioelement_97 363tile.element_97.name
Californioelement_98 364tile.element_98.name
Einsteinioelement_99 365tile.element_99.name
Fermioelement_100 366tile.element_100.name
Mendelevioelement_101 367tile.element_101.name
Nobelioelement_102 368tile.element_102.name
Laurenzioelement_103 369tile.element_103.name
Rutherfordioelement_104 370tile.element_104.name
Dubnioelement_105 371tile.element_105.name
Seaborgioelement_106 372tile.element_106.name
Bohrioelement_107 373tile.element_107.name
Hassioelement_108 374tile.element_108.name
Meitnerioelement_109 375tile.element_109.name
Darmstadtioelement_110 376tile.element_110.name
Roentgenioelement_111 377tile.element_111.name
Copernicioelement_112 378tile.element_112.name
Nihonioelement_113 379tile.element_113.name
Flerovioelement_114 380tile.element_114.name
Moscovioelement_115 381tile.element_115.name
Livermorioelement_116 382tile.element_116.name
Tennessoelement_117 383tile.element_117.name
Oganessonelement_118 384tile.element_118.name

Storia[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Bedrock Edition
1.4.0beta Aggiunti gli elementi.
Education Edition
1.0.27 Aggiunti gli elementi.

Problemi[modifica | modifica sorgente]

I problemi relativi a "Element" sono mantenuti sul tracciatore dei problemi. Segnala i problemi qui.

Curiosità[modifica | modifica sorgente]

  • L'elemento è l'unico blocco che normalmente utilizza una grafica con una risoluzione maggiore di 16×16 (non contando i blocchi animati).
  • Molti degli isotopi "stabili" forniti dal costruttore elementi sono radioattivi nella vita reale. Per esempio, il Tecnezio non ha isotopi stabili nella vita reale, anche se ne ha tre in Minecraft.
  • Se un blocco è considerato essere uguale ad un metro cubo, ed i blocchi degli elementi vengono considerati come composti solo dall'elemento da cui prendono il nome, allora un blocco di osmio avrà una massa di 22.590 chilogrammi, il ché lo rende la materia reale più pesante disponibile in Minecraft.
    • L'Hassio, tuttavia, dovrebbe avere una densità di quasi il doppio dell'osmio, il ché farebbe pesare un singolo blocco 40.700 chilogrammi.

Galleria[modifica | modifica sorgente]

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Collegamenti esterni[modifica | modifica sorgente]