Java Edition 1.8
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{ "title": "1.8", "images": [ "The Bountiful Update.png" ], "rows": [ { "field": "''(link to computer article, displayed as computer)''", "label": "Edizione" }, { "field": "(link to Bountiful Update article, displayed as Bountiful Update)", "label": "Nome ufficiale" }, { "field": "September 2, 2014", "label": "Data di rilascio" }, { "field": "<div style=\"margin-left: -1em\">\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Java Edition Classic server 1.8 article, displayed as Java Edition Classic server)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Java Edition Beta 1.8 article, displayed as Java Edition Beta)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Java Edition 1.8 article, displayed as Java Edition)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Bedrock Edition 1.8 article, displayed as Bedrock Edition)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Education Edition 1.8 article, displayed as Education Edition)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to New Nintendo 3DS Edition 1.8 article, displayed as New Nintendo 3DS Edition)</span></div>", "label": "<span style=\"white-space:normal;\">Altre istanze<br />di (link to 1.8 article, displayed as 1.8)</span>" } ], "invimages": [], "footer": "<div style=\"display:inline-block\"><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[computer 1.7.2|<span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">◄</span>◄ 1.7.2]]</div><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[computer 1.7.10|◄ 1.7.10]]</div>\n</div><div style=\"display:inline-block\"><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[computer 1.8.1| 1.8.1 ►]]</div><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[computer after 1.8| after 1.8 <span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">►</span>►]]</div></div>" }
L'1.8, noto come il Bountiful Update o Aggiornamento Abbondante[1], ha aggiunto e cambiato molti aspetti di Minecraft che rendono più facile la creazione di mappe avventura, ed ha aggiunto molti blocchi e mob per il gioco in sopravvivenza.
Changelog abbreviato
- "That's Numberwang!"
- "pls rt"
- "Do you want to join my server?"
- "Put a little fence around it!"
- "Throw a blanket over it!"
- "One day, somewhere in the future, my work will be quoted!"
- "Now with additional stuff!"
- "Extra things!"
- "Yay, puppies for everyone!"
- "So sweet, like a nice bon bon!"
- "Popping tags!"
- "Now With Multiplayer!"
- "Very influential in its circle!"
- "Rise from your grave!"
- "Warning! A huge battleship "STEVE" is approaching fast!"
- "Blue warrior shot the food!"
- "Run, coward! I hunger!"
- "Flavor with no seasoning!"
- "Strange, but not a stranger!"
- "Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream!"
- "Getting ready to show!"
- "Getting ready to know!"
- "Getting ready to drop!"
- "Getting ready to shock!"
- "Getting ready to freak!"
- "Getting ready to speak!"
- "It swings, it jives!"
- "Cruising streets for gold!"
- "Take an eggbeater and beat it against a skillet!"
- "Make me a table, a funky table!"
- "Take the elevator to the mezzanine!"
- "Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet!"
- "/give @a hugs 64"
- "This is good for Realms."
- "Any computer is a laptop if you're brave enough!"
- La difficoltà è definita per mondo
- Non c'é più un'impostazione per la difficoltà globale
- Impedisce la modifica accidentale della difficoltà quando si entra nel mondo
- Può essere bloccata per mondo
- Previene la tentazione di cambiare ad una difficoltà più facile in situazioni difficili
- Il blocco non può essere rimosso senza editor esterni
- Tuttavia, usare il comando
- Tuttavia, usare il comando
- La fame ora si ricarica anche in difficoltà pacifica
- Nuove impostazioni 'Personalizzazione Skin'
- Si può (dis)attivare il mantello e i vari strati della skin da qui
- Impostazioni Multigiocatore
- 'Informazioni di debug ridotte' attiva/disattiva per ridurre le informazioni sulla ]]schermata di debug]] F3
- Impostazioni Video
- Blocchi Alternativi
- Abilita/Disabilita modelli alternativi per i blocchi
- Quando spento, il modello più semplice con la maggiore priorirà sarà sempre usato
- Abilita/Disabilita modelli alternativi per i blocchi
- Attivazione dei VBO
- Può abilitare/disabilitare i vertex buffer objects
- Può offrire un incremento di prestazioni del ~10% in più quando attivo
- Il filtro anisotropico è stato rimosso
- Slider per la distanza di rendering ora va fino a 32 quando si sta utilizzando la versione a 64-bit di Java
- Richiede 2 GB di RAM allocata
- Rimosso OpenGL Avanzato
- Blocchi Alternativi
- Nuova shader "creeper" (creeper.json), applica una tinta verde
- Applicata quando si è spettatori di un creeper
- Può anche essere applicata usando i Super Secret Settings
- Nuova shader "spider" (spider.json), applica ottupla visione
- Applicata quando si è spettatori di un ragno
- Può anche essere applicata usando i Super Secret Settings
- Rileva quanti centimetri si è mosso un giocatore mentre è accovacciato
- Rileva quanti centimetri si è mosso un giocatore mentre corre
- Rileva quanto tempo è passato (in tick) dall'ultima morte del giocatore
- Rileva quante volte il giocatore ha parlato con dei villici
- Rileva quante volte il giocatore ha commerciato con i villici
- Nuova impresa Un'aura potentissima
- Ottenuta fabbricando una mela dorata incantata
- Richiede il precedente ottenimento di Salto di Qualità
- Modalità Spettatore
- Vi ci si può accedre solamente tramite
, usandospectator
, o3
- Nessuna interazione con il mondo
- Solo il vuoto o
possono danneggiare lo spettatore - Modalità di volo
- L'atterraggio è impossibile – il giocatore può volare attraverso il terreno
- La rotella del mouse, il tasto per correre, e gli effetti di velocità e lentezza possono avere un'effetto sulla velocità del volo
- Le pozioni di visione notturna hanno comunque un'effetto sullo spettatore
- Visione in prima persona tramite gli occhi di un altro giocatore o di un mob
- Certi mob hanno diverse visuali
- Premere il tasto per scendere (shift di default) fa tornare il giocatore in modalità di volo
- Privilegi di visione
- Gli spettatori possono vedere altri spettatori
- Invisible players and mobs appear visible, but translucent
- An optional hotkey to show outlines on players whilst spectating
- Can be color coded to teams
- Outline seen when key is held down (like sneaking when shift is held down)
- Spectators have a UI to teleport to other players
- Teleportation works across dimensions
- Worlds can be shared to LAN in spectator mode
- Are created when a sponge soaks up water
- Shows up on one's screen when near an elder guardian
- "Depth Strider"
- Allows the player to move faster in water
- Can be applied only to boots
- Can go up to level III
Commands & NBT Tags
- Target selectors
- Targets entities
- Can specify type of entity by entity ID to either include or exclude with
- Example:
/kill @e[r=50,type=Chicken]
- kills all chickens within a radius of 50 blocks - Example:
/tp @e[r=5] ~ ~5 ~
- any entity within a radius of 5 blocks will be teleported five blocks in the air
- Modifies NBT data at a specific coordinate, the <dataTag> merges with the block at that position
- Can be used to change the contents of a chest
- Usage:
/blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag>
- Clones all the blocks (not entities) from a given area to a different given area
- Up to 32768 (323) blocks can be copied
- The clone can be
, orfiltered
will copy every block (the default behavior)masked
will copy only non-air blocksfiltered
will remove unnecessary blocks
- It can additionally be
, ornormal
will move the selection from the first location to the second location, which may overlapforce
will force the cloning operation, even if the areas overlapnormal
only needs to be specified if usingfiltered
- Usage:
/clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]
- Example:
/clone 1001 3 1002 1011 3 992 1001 5 992 masked
- Works similarly to
, but for entities- Does not work on players
- Usage:
/entitydata <entity> <dataTag>
- Example:
/entitydata @e[type=Sheep,r=20] {Color:14}
will color all the sheep within a radius of 20 red
- Works similarly to
- Allows commands to be run from the position of specified entities
- A
argument allows the/execute
command to run only if a block is detected at a specific location relative to the target - Usage:
- Example:
- Commands run using the
command pass their success value back to the command block running them
- Fills a given volume with a specified block
- Up to 32768 blocks can be filled
- oldBlockHandling works like with
, but with additional options:hollow
to only fill the outer layer of blocks and fill the inner part with air, andoutline
to fill the outer layer of blocks and ignore the inner part - Works similarly to
- Usage:
/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
- Example:
/fill 1001 3 1002 1011 5 992 wool 6 replace
will fill the given area with pink wool - Can filter certain blocks
- Only if it’s used to fill in replace mode with “normal” blocks.
- It does not work when filling with block entities.
- Usage:
/fill [x] [y] [z] [x] [y] [z] [BlockName] [Data] replace [filterBlockName] [filterData]
- Spawns particles in a given area
- Usage:
/particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [force]
- Example:
/particle lava ~ ~1 ~ 1 1 1 0.5 50 normal @e[type=Chicken]
will create 50 lava popping particles, centred one block above the block/entity running the command, spreading around a radius of 1 block, with a speed of 0.5, relative to all chickens in that world - The
argument can be set toforce
to display particles even if a player has his 'Particles' toggle set to Minimal or Decreased - List of particles:
/replaceitem <entity|block> ...
- Can replace items in any inventory, including the inventories of mobs such as zombies
- Usage:
/replaceitem entity <entity> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
/replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
- Example:
/replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.weapon minecraft:iron_sword 1 0
will give all the zombies iron swords/replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:fish 4 2
will put 4 clownfish in the players first hotbar slot/replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.5 minecraft:redstone_block 1 0
will put a redstone block in the 6th slot of a container 1 block above the player
/stats <entity|block> ...
- Usage:
/stats entity <selector> <mode>
/stats block [x] [y] [z] <mode>
- Alternative and more featureful way of interacting with
- Will update a scoreboard objective based on the number of entities/blocks which have been affected by the command, it updates the objective for the entity that ran the command, fake players can be used when run in a command block
- After the
there are currently 5 possible stats that can be updated:SuccessCount
- For example:
/stats entity @a set AffectedBlocks @a Test
will update a scoreboard objective named 'Test' for all players whenever a command is performed relative to them, the objective will update by the number of blocks affected by the command since the stat was set toAffectedBlocks
, this means if the command is/fill
then it will update the objective for whoever is running the command (@a) by the number of blocks filled
- Usage:
- Compares two areas of a world
- The mode can be set to
is the default whilemasked
will ignore air - Usage:
/testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> [mode]
- Example:
/testforblocks 100 64 100 107 69 107 0 64 0 masked
- Can make text display on a players screen in the form of a title and/or subtitle using JSON
/title @a times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>
- Set the fade in time, the stay on screen time and the fade out time for the title. This is in game ticks (1/20th of a second).
/title @a title <raw json message>
- Set and start showing the title and subtitle
/title @a subtitle <raw json message>
- Set the subtitle (optional)
/title @a clear
- Clear titles immediately
/title @a reset
- Reset all title parameters to defaults (fade times)
- Functions the same way as
/scoreboard players set
or/scoreboard players add
, but can only modify objectives with thetrigger
criteria (referred to as "triggers") and can only modify the score of the player running the command - Allows non-op players to use
s as well as prevent spammingclickEvent
s - Can be used by non-operator players
- For a player to run this command, the trigger must be enabled for that player
/scoreboard players enable <player> <trigger>
will enable the specified player to use the specified trigger objective- Trigger availability is stored per player, per trigger
- One trigger may be disabled for a player, but that player can use a different trigger
- One player may be unable to use a trigger, but another player can use the same trigger
- Disabled after the trigger has been used (must be re-enabled to use the trigger again)
- Mostly for use with
- Usage:
/trigger <objective> <add:set> <value>
- Functions the same way as
/worldborder <set,add,center,damage,warning,get>
/worldborder set <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- Used to set size of border. The first argument sets the size of the border and the second sets the speed of the border to expand or shrink
/worldborder add <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- Adds blocks to the current size of the world border. Can use negative (-) numbers to subtract the size of the border
/worldborder center <x> <z>
- Sets the center of where the border will be placed.
/worldborder damage <buffer|amount>
- Allows you to customise the amount of damage taken while outside the border, and buffer, the higher value, the further you can be outside the border without taking damage
/worldborder warning <time|distance>
- Allows you to customise how far you have to be or the time for how long it takes to activate the world border warning
/worldborder get
- Tells the player running the command the current width of the world border
- Prevents command block output from being stored in chat logs. In multiplayer, also prevents player-initiated commands from being stored. Unrelated to commandBlockOutput, which is output into the visible chat
randomTickSpeed [value]
- Controls how often a random tick occurs; random ticks influence how fast plants and crops grow, how fast pigmen spawn from portals, how fast farmland updates, how fast grass and mycelium grow and decay, etc...
- If set to 0, random ticks never occur
- Gamerule to enable/disable reduced information on the F3 debug screen
- Op-only unlike the 'reduced debug info' toggle in multiplayer settings
- Overrides 'reduced debug info' settings in clients
- If set to false, player-run commands will not show a success message
- Prevents death messages like "[player] fell out the world" from appearing in the chat
- The ability to create gamerule variables[2]
- New objective criteria for team-specific kills, e.g.:,
- New objective criteria '
- The ability to iterate over every scoreboard player with
- This will also affect people who have not yet joined the world
- Fake players with a name starting with # will never show up on the sidebar
- New
subcommands:/scoreboard reset
,/scoreboard operation
,/scoreboard test
and/scoreboard enable
- The
subcommand can reset all objectives for a player or reset a player's objectives one by one- Example:
/scoreboard players reset @a anObjective
will reset the scores of an objective named anObjective for all players in the world
- Example:
- The
subcommand can apply arithmetic operation to scores (+ – * / % < > =) and accumulate player scores- Example:
/scoreboard players operation #teamscores redScore += @a[team=red] blueKills
adds every red player's count of kills on blue to the red team's score of kills - Can be tested with a comparator to see if two scores are greater than, smaller than or equal to each other
- Example:
- The
subcommand can be used to test if a scoreboard value is between a min and a max value- Example:
/scoreboard players test #global anObjective 12 19
checks whether the global score of the given objective is between 12 and 19, inclusive
- Example:
- The
subcommand can be used to enable atrigger
objective- Example:
/scoreboard players enable aTrigger
enables atrigger
named aTrigger
- Example:
- The
- Different teams can now have different objectives displayed in the sidebar
- Example:
/scoreboard objectives setdisplay anotherObjective
(referring to team color, not team name)
- Example:
- Testing for scores now also works in
entity selector - Added scoreboard team property to disable name tag visibility:
/scoreboard teams option <name> nametagVisibility
with optionshideForOtherTeam
(default) - Added scoreboard team property to disable death messages:
/scoreboard teams option <name> deathMessageVisibility
with optionsnever
(default) - Command
/scoreboard players
can now filter by NBT data
- NBT Tags
- BlockItem instances can now hold a custom NBT tag that is merged into a block entity when it’s placed
- Example:
/give @p command_block 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Command:"<!-- Command start --><code style="word-break: break-word;">/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block</code><!-- Command end -->"}}
will give a command block that, when placed, will automatically have the command/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block
- Mostly for use in adventure mode
- Items with this tag display the names of the blocks that they can destroy in the item tooltip
- Example:
/give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:["minecraft:sand","minecraft:grass"]}
to give a diamond shovel that can break grass and sand - Putting an invalid item name in will display as "missingno" under the "Can Break" list.
- Allows placing of certain blocks against other blocks in adventure mode
- Example:
/give @p minecraft:stone 16 0 {CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:diamond_block"]}
to give a block of stone that can only be placed on diamond blocks - Putting an invalid item name in will display as "missingno" under the "Can be placed on" list.
- Allows a command block or sign to increase a certain score in the scoreboard when it runs successfully
- The command will increase the score based on the number of items/blocks/entities/successes
- For example, a command block with this tag running a command which affects items (e.g.
) will cause it to update the score based on the number of items given
- Usage:
{CommandStats:{AffectedItemsName:"playername", AffectedItemsObjective:"objective", AffectedBlocksName:"playername", AffectedBlocksObjective:"objective", AffectedEntitiesName:"playername", AffectedEntitiesObjective:"objective", SuccessCountName:"playername", SuccessCountObjective:"objective"}}
- Allows a command block or sign to increase a certain score in the scoreboard when it runs successfully
- Defines whether a written book is an "Original" a "Copy of Original" or a "Copy of a copy"
- Allows hiding of certain parts of the tooltip
- Bit field determining which parts of the tooltip to hide on an item. 1 for
, 2 forAttributeModifiers
, 4 forUnbreakable
, 8 forCanDestroy
, 16 forCanPlaceOn
, and 32 for various other information (including potion effects,StoredEnchantments
, written bookgeneration
, andFireworks
). - Examples: Setting bit field to 3 would hide both
tags, and setting to 63 would hide everything.
- A way to lock containers from being opened using NBT tags
- Mostly useful for adventure maps in adventure mode
- Containers can be unlocked by clearing their string for Lock
- Locked containers can only be opened while holding anything renamed to the given string, item is not removed on use[3]
- The lock can be completely removed utilizing the command
- Disables an entity's AI
- Entities without AI do not attack players or move or rotate on their own, and do not despawn, they also do not respond to gravity or collision with other mobs, but can still take damage, die, and ride other entities
- The number of ticks before an item entity can be picked up.
- Set to 32767 for items that can't be picked up
- Controls villagers giving xp for trading, set to 1 or 0
- Contains the item data of the item currently held in the player's hand
- Added to compact the process of testing if a player is holding a specific item
- Previous method required nine commands in command blocks; now requires only one command
- Option to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the
tag only shows fewer particles, set to 1 to show, 0 to hide
- Option to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the
- Determines whether sound is produced by an entity, such as idle and hurt sounds, setting to 1 disables sound
World Generation
- Underground
- Granite, andesite and diorite generate in pockets within stone terrain
- Slightly larger size and abundance than gravel
- Pockets don't reduce ore frequency, since ores can generate inside these pockets
- New underwater generated structure made out of prismarine, prismarine bricks, dark prismarine and sea lanterns
- 8 gold blocks can be found at the center of the monument
- A flashing boss guardian will appear on screen when close to an elder guardian, and Mining Fatigue III will be inflicted on the player for 5 minutes
- Will also generate in old worlds
- Customized world type
- Highly customisable terrain generation
- To use, press create new world then ‘world type: customized’ and then press the 'customize' button
- There are 4 pages to customize the world
- Page 1: customizes generation of structures, chance of lake generation, size of certain structures, and biome type and size, and sea level
- There are 18 customization options which affect whether generated structures will spawn in, as well as other environmental factors such as sea level. Some of these presets are Yes/No inputs or sliders.
- Sea level height, toggles for cave, village, temple, ocean monument, dungeon, water lake, lava lake, stronghold, mineshaft and ravine generation, sliders to control water lake, lava lake and dungeon rarity, toggle to turn oceans into lava oceans, biome selection, biome and river size sliders
- There are 18 customization options which affect whether generated structures will spawn in, as well as other environmental factors such as sea level. Some of these presets are Yes/No inputs or sliders.
- Page 2: customizes the ore distribution for dirt, gravel, granite, diorite, andesite, coal, iron, gold, redstone, diamond and lapis
- Rarity, height range and vein size
- Page 3 & 4: Expert customization of the terrain generation
- There are 16 customization options which can be used to affect various aspects of Minecraft's terrain generator. These can be changed by moving sliders or by typing in values directly
- Main Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight and Biome scale/depth offset to stretch/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings; Upper/lower limit scale to make terrain more solid/riddled with holes, depending on how close the values are to each other; Height Stretch to pull terrain upward, with smaller values causing more extreme stretching; Height scale, Coordinate scale, Depth base size, Depth noise exponent, Depth noise scale
- There are 16 customization options which can be used to affect various aspects of Minecraft's terrain generator. These can be changed by moving sliders or by typing in values directly
- There are seven presets
- Water World, Isle Land, Caver's Delight, Mountain Madness, Drought, Caves of Chaos, Good Luck
- Each page has a button to randomize the various values and a button to reset to default values
- Uses the 'generator-settings' string known from superflat presets for and world data
- Generate structures button disappears when selected
- Debug Mode world type
- Useful for resource pack makers
- Hold Template:Key and cycle through "World Type" to select it
- Tweaked world creation
- Other world options are not available
- Only Spectator mode can be enabled
- All possible blocks with all possible data values are generated
- Blocks placed are deleted, and blocks destroyed are restored
Blocks and items
- Crafting recipe: 2 cobblestone and 2 Nether quartz in a checker board pattern
- Can be crafted into polished diorite
- Crafting recipe: 1 cobblestone and 1 diorite
- Can be crafted into polished andesite
- Crafting recipe: 1 Nether quartz and 1 diorite
- Can be crafted into polished granite
- Crafting recipe: 4 diorite in a 2×2 configuration
- Crafting recipe: 4 andesite in a 2×2 configuration
- Crafting recipe: 4 granite in a 2×2 configuration
- Replaces the grassless dirt variant found in Mega Taiga, Mesa and Savanna biomes.
- All worlds with grassless dirt blocks will seamlessly change over to coarse dirt as it uses the same block ID and data value as the original grassless dirt block
- Slightly darker texture than regular dirt
- Can be picked up with bare hands (silk touch is not required)
- Tilling coarse dirt with a hoe will turn it to regular dirt
- Crafting recipe: dirt and gravel in a 2×2 checkered pattern, yields four coarse dirt
- Can be crafted with 4 red sand in a square
- Can be crafted into chiseled, smooth, stair and slab forms
- Chiseled variant has a wither pattern to complement the creeper pattern found in chiseled sandstone.
- Slabs have a smooth variant, similar to stone and sandstone
- Comes as a smooth double slab -
- Generated only in Mesa biomes at cave entrances
- Generates in ocean monuments
- Can be crafted with prismarine shards
- The cracks in Prismarine appear to slowly change color between brown, blue, gray and purple.
- Generate in ocean monuments
- Can be crafted with prismarine shards
- Generate in ocean monuments
- Can be crafted with prismarine shards and an ink sac
- Generate in ocean monuments
- Can be crafted with prismarine shards and prismarine crystals
- Emit light at a light level of 15 and have an animated texture
- Drop from guardians
- Can be crafted into sea lanterns
- Drop from guardians
- Can be crafted into all three kinds of prismarine blocks and sea lanterns
- Obtained when a sponge soaks up water
- Smelting a wet sponge yields a dry sponge
- When smelted, they will fill empty buckets in the 'fuel' slot with water if possible
- Emits water dripping particles
- Dropped by elder guardians on player kills
- Players and mobs that land on their top side will bounce, like on a trampoline
- Bounce rebound velocity is scaled by impact velocity, can reach up to 60%
- Currently does not affect item entities
- Prevents fall damage
- Walking on it is slower than walking on soul sand, close to one's speed whilst sneaking
- Crafting recipe: 9 slime balls
- Can be crafted back into 9 slime balls
- The placing/breaking sounds use hurt sounds of slimes
- Connected to sticky pistons, slime blocks will now push and pull blocks beside them when moved by pistons
- Connected to normal pistons, slime blocks will only push blocks, but not pull them
- Coded by KaboPC and Panda4994[4][5]
- Up to 12 slime blocks connected to a piston in any arrangement can be moved as long as the following conditions are met: blocks do not disrupt the chain, non-moveable blocks are not in the way or slime blocks are not attached to the piston itself
- Follows all the rules that pistons follow, for example blocks which can normally be moved by pistons can be moved if attached to slime blocks
- Allows for more contraptions, from new redstone clocks, moving devices, farming etc
- Extending a piston with a slime block attached to it will propel entities (mobs, players, items, launched arrows etc) in the appropriate direction[6]
- New types of fences for all the different types of wood
- Different types can connect to each other
- Original fence renamed to oak fence
- New crafting recipe for fences to make this work: 2 sticks and 4 planks to make 3 fences
- New types of fence gates for all the different types of wood
- Different types can connect to each other
- Original fence gate renamed to oak fence gate
- New types of doors for all the different wood types
- Different types of doors have different textures, with some types having no windows
- Door recipes now require all 6 wood to be the same type
- Can only be opened and closed using redstone, similar to an iron door
- Crafting recipe: iron ingots in a 2×2 pattern, yields one iron trapdoor
- Can be worn as head gear - but only using commands
- Over a quadrillion possible combinations
- Crafted like a sign, just with one color of wool instead of planks
- Can be stacked to 16
- Most patterns are created by arranging dyes in certain ways around a banner on a crafting table
- Additional patterns: creeper, skull & crossbones, brick, flower, curly border and Mojang logo - making these without dyes will result in a black pattern, use dyes to get different colors (items: creeper skull, wither skeleton skull, brick block, oxeye daisy, vines and enchanted golden apple)
- Many patterns can be produced
- Up to 6 layers of patterns possible
- Can be placed on walls or on the ground (16 rotations possible)
- Sway with the wind
- Can be cloned by crafting them together with a blank banner
- Top-most layer can be removed using cauldrons
- Can be used as fuel in furnaces
- Can be used to decoratively display armor (including pumpkins, mob heads and player heads)
- Armor can be right-clicked to be applied to the armor stand and can be applied by dispensers
- Armor can be applied by dispensers aimed at any part of the Stand
- Armor can be removed by right-clicking on the piece of armor you want to remove
- Can render enchanted and dyed armor
- Can use pick-block on armor stands (will give the stand not the armor equipped)
- Crafted using a stone slab and 6 sticks
- Stacks up to 16
- Armor stands are actually entities not blocks and can therefore can be summoned using
/summon ArmorStand
and put in minecarts - NBT tags can be used to create armor stands which are small (
), invisible (Invisible
), have arms (ShowArms
), have disabled slots (DisabledSlots
), have no base plate (NoBasePlate
), have no gravity (NoGravity
) and are in a preconfigured position (Pose
- Restores Template:Hunger
- Drops from sheep
- Can be cooked into cooked mutton
- Restores Template:Hunger
- Restores Template:Hunger
- Drops from rabbits
- Can be cooked into cooked rabbit
- Restores Template:Hunger
- Brewed to make a Potion of Leaping
- Drops from rabbits
- Restores Template:Hunger and 12 saturation
- This makes it the best food in the game other than golden carrots
- Recipe: 1 cooked rabbit, 1 mushroom, 1 carrot, 1 baked potato, and 1 bowl
- Adds effect Jump Boost, for "I" and "II" levels
- Brewed with a rabbit's foot and Awkward potion
- The potion and bubbles are bright green colored
- Acts like a full block but is completely transparent
- Can transfer redstone signals and allows blocks to be placed on it
- Can only be destroyed in Creative mode
- Can be obtained using
/give @p minecraft:barrier
- Becomes visible to players who are holding a barrier in their hand
- Appears to be rendered as particles; always facing the player
- Spawns the guardian mob
- Cyan colored with orange spots
- Spawns the endermite mob
- Purple colored with gray spots
- Spawns rabbits
- Brown colored with brown spots
- Sometimes spawns when a player teleports using an ender pearl.
- Despawns after 2 minutes (unless it is named using a name tag)
- Have the same sounds as silverfish
- Spawns in ocean monuments
- Attacks squid and players with a web/beam
- When on land, it flops around, unlike squids
- Drops prismarine shards, prismarine crystals and raw fish
- Makes wet noises when hurt and squeaky, wet noises when flopping around on land
- A boss-like variant of Guardians
- There are 3 elders in each ocean monument
- A flashing boss guardian will appear on screen when close to the boss guardian, and Mining Fatigue III will be inflicted on the player for 5 minutes
- Drops wet sponge
- Drops rabbit hide, raw rabbit, cooked rabbit and rabbit's foot
- They have many different skins similarly to horses and ocelots. They have 8 skins including: Black, White, Brown, Gold, Black & White, Salt & Pepper, Toast, and the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
- Naming a rabbit spawn egg or name tag "Toast" will give rabbits a special skin as a memorial to user xyZenTV's girlfriend's rabbit Toast
- Very low rate of spawning as "The Killer Bunny" (or the "The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog")
- 1/1000 chance of spawning
- This type of rabbit is hostile and will attack players within 4 blocks, deals 5 (
) in easy, 8 (
) in normal difficulty and 12 (
) in hard
- A reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- It is white with bloodshot eyes, and blood on its legs and mouth
- Automatically spawns with a name tag titled 'The Killer Rabbit'
- It can be directly spawned in with the command
/summon Rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}
- Rabbits can be bred using carrots, golden carrots or dandelions
- Rabbits have the same AI like the most other passive mobs, and jump around randomly.
- Make little squeaky sounds when hurt or killed
- "OpenGL 1.2!" changed to "OpenGL 2.1 (if supported)!"
- "Now java 6!" changed to "Now Java 6!"
- Text now has gray background
- Restructured layout
- Now displays render distance, sections being rendered currently, sections being updated currently, an aB value for unknown reasons, version id, whether the client is modded, keywords for when clouds/VBOs/VSync are enabled
- Now displays which block the feet are in
- When looking at a block, its coordinates, block id and properties will be displayed
- The "Facing:" line now indicates in which axis-based direction you're looking ("Towards positive Z")
- Now displays Java version, display resolution and vendor, graphics card model and vendor and OpenGL version
- The crosshair now turns into 3 short, colored lines indicating the direction of the 3 axis: x/red, y/green, z/blue
- "Light" is now the light levels at feet, not eyes
- Player rotation is now displayed for the vertical angle as well as the horizontal one
- Day counter added
- Increases by 1 every dawn
- Now displays difficulty
- Peaceful - 0.00, Easy - 0.75, Normal - 1.50, Hard - 2.25
- Looking at a block in the world will show the coordinates of that block on the debug screen
- F3 hotkeys
- Debug tooltips now show how many NBT tags an item has - Screenshot
- When debug tooltips are enabled, items will now show their name id - Screenshot
- When debug tooltips are enabled, some instances of usernames and entities in the chat will now show the entity's UUID when hovered on
- Template:Key + Template:Key can now be used to clear the chat log
- Template:Key + Template:Key or Template:Key + Template:Key reloads block models
- Template:Key + Template:Key entity hitboxes now also display entity eye level in red and which direction entities are looking at in blue
- Template:Key + Template:Key tooltips now show how many NBT tags an item has
- Block IDs
- Occurences of blocks/items now need to be named ids; old ids slowly being phased out
- NBT data in commands can now use block/item names in place of numerical ids
- Example:
- In scoreboards, the format is
- Example:
- Superflat presets also use the new named id format
- Superflat world type
- Block ID/number of layers format changed from
. - Preset code version number changed to "3".
- Internal block handling
- Now internally use states instead of metadata
- Metadata will still be used for a while
- Block states of the block being looked at will now be displayed on the F3 menu - Examples: redstone, door
- Internally, metadata no longer needs to be calculated out of the 4 bit data value, instead the values of specified properties can now be easily gotten and set
- Improved chat communication
- Messages are now either chat, system or action bar messages
- Action bar messages are always shown, chat and system messages are only shown if chat settings are configured that way
- Entities now have tooltips in certain chat instances when hovered over
- These appear when hovered over an entity's name in chat (e.g. the success message for
) - Shows the name of the entity (e.g. Bob), the Id of the entity (e.g. Creeper (50)) and the entity UUID
- Shift+Left click while hovering over the entity's name inserts its UUID into your chat bar. They also work in commands like /tp so you can teleport to entities.
- These appear when hovered over an entity's name in chat (e.g. the success message for
- Template:Key + Template:Key clears the chat history (including previously typed commands)
- All player lists will now be converted to be UUID-based automatically
- Custom block models can be loaded
- Several blocks in the game are rendered differently using the new block models.
- The cauldron's feet are cubes instead of faces.
- Grass blocks, dirt, sand, red sand, stone, Netherrack, bedrock and TNT all have their top texture randomly rotated
- Several blocks in the game are rendered differently using the new block models.
- Custom item models can be loaded
- Many items's model is rotated 90 degrees in the inventory and in hand.
- F3+T and F3+S now reload models
- Resource packs can now be bundled with a world, put it in the map save directory and name it ""
- Example:
- Example:
- Added a new default skin: Alex[7]
- Alex's model is that of Steve but with 3-pixel wide arms
- A choice to select fat or thin arms on was added shortly after the update.[8]
- If you don't have a custom skin yet, you are randomly assigned Steve or Alex based on your random user ID
- Right and left arms and legs are now editable independently
- Uses a steve.png file with new layout and new dimensions
- Dimensions for the file are now 64×64
- Overlay now includes the whole body
- Overlays are called hat, jacket, sleeves and pants legs
- New "Skin Customization" button in the options menu
- Cape visibility is now toggled from here
- You can toggle the visibility of overlays, independent for each limb/body part
- Old skins still work, but won't have the new features
- Servers
- The server list can now be reordered like resource packs - Use 'up'/'down' to reorder, 'right' to join
- When editing and adding servers, you can now set how it handles resource packs: Prompt, Enabled or Disable
- Servers can now customise network compression in
to compress everything,-1
to compress nothing - Servers can now optionally send a hash for clients to verify resource packs using
: Should be a 40 character hexadecimal string, will otherwise only be used as a unique id - Servers can now configure how long a tick may take before shutting down using
- Servers can now configure the maximum world size, which will override
, usingmax-world-size
- Servers can now send messages to be displayed on the action bar
- Removed fog and particles
- Video Settings
- F11 fullscreen toggle now affects fullscreen option
- Optimizations, Rendering & Graphics
- Significant increase in FPS and performance
- Each world (Overworld, Nether, End) now runs on its own thread
- Chunk rendering and chunk rebuilds are now multi-threaded - super fast chunk rendering!
- Rewrote chunk sorting
- Better visibility culling code
- Mob pathfinding is now multi-threaded
- Rewrote the inventory system
- Ore generation is now more than twice as fast
- Only transparent blocks will now render as transparent (eliminates the use of x-ray texture packs)
- Dropped items now face the player in all three directions on fast graphics
- Rewrote how blocks are rendered
- Rewrote how block data is handled
- Improvements to allow for "cooler things"[9]
- Enchanting will now cost 1 to 3 levels, but you still need the same minimum total levels
- For example, an enchantment may only become available for enchanting after reaching 13 levels of experience, but will only cost 2 XP levels and 2 of lapis lazuli
- Additionally, there is now a material cost - enchanting also costs 1 to 3 pieces of lapis lazuli now (seen above)
- The actual enchantment calculation is the same
- One of the enchantments will be displayed in the tooltip
- The enchantments you would get on a tool will not change until you enchant something - this enchantment seed is stored per player
- Leveling up now takes longer
- Level V enchantments can now appear on an item without the use of an anvil
- Looting now gives an extra 1% chance of getting rare loot per level
- Villagers now have a profession, which is displayed in the trading GUI: Farmer, Fisherman, Sheperd, Fletcher, Librarian, Cleric, Armorer, Weapon Smith, Tool Smith, Butcher and Leatherworker
- Existing Villagers keep already unlocked trades
- Villagers start out with 2-4 trades unlocked
- Trading now gives experience, more with willing Villagers
- The disabled trade arrow now has a descriptive tooltip
- Villagers of the same profession will have the same trades except for price/item amount
- Villagers can level up, offering more trades per level
- Notable changes in trades: Villagers no longer buy cooked fish and no longer sell melons, steak or flint and steel. Apart from chainmail armor, iron helmets and chestplates, enchanted diamond chestplates, leather pants and enchanted leather chestplates are the only leather armor pieces that are still sold. Similarly, iron axes and enchanted iron swords, iron shovels, iron pickaxes, diamond pickaxes, diamond swords and diamond axes are the only tools still obtainable from villagers now
- Notable new trades: Villagers now buy potatoes, carrots, melon blocks, pumpkins, string, leather and rotten flesh, and now sell pumpkin pies, cakes, cooked fish, enchanted fishing rods, all colors of wool, bows, name tags and lapis lazuli
- Doors are now added to the closest village
- This will not break iron farms, but change them a little, enough to make them "practically pointless"[10]
- Anvil repairing
- Costs reduced to balance out with the new enchanting system
- Renaming items will now only cost 1 level
- Repairing cost now increases exponentially (1, 2, 4, 8, etc.)
- Repairing costs can no longer be kept down by renaming items
- Adventure mode
- Block hitboxes no longer appear in Adventure mode if interaction with the block is impossible
- Block interaction is now impossible by default
- The CanDestroy NBT tag can be used to determine which blocks can be allowed to be broken (see above for usage)
- Creative mode
- In creative mode, players can create a copy of a block entity in their hotbar, including all NBT data, with ctrl+Pick Block key (ctrl+middle mouse button by default)
- Players in creative mode can now damage entities even if they are flagged invulnerable
- Teleporting
- Relative teleporting is smoother and no longer brings players to a stop; it preserves their velocity from before the teleport
- Item tooltips
- Now show the internal name for use in commands (F3+H mode)
- Can be summoned using the
command - Changed the particle effect when landing on a block, looks a lot more scattered
- Now the life bar has a new animation for the damage, that additionally shows how many hearts a player loses
- Now also support named IDs as well as numerical IDs
- Player list
- Improved the health objective display on the player list
- Will fall back to textual display if space is scarce, with colors (green/yellow/red) to show different health levels
- Additional health will squash the display together to fit
- Now groups together teams
- Now sorts players by name
- Player list shows the faces of players
- Sprinting
- Sprinting while flying now actually affects movement speed
Commands & NBT Tags
- Template:Key-completing coordinate arguments will now fill in the coordinates of the block currently being looked at
- Can now be used to clear only a specific number of items and can be restricted to certain NBT data
- Example:
/clear @p minecraft:spawn_egg 120 34 {display:{Name:Michael}}
will remove up to 34 villager spawn eggs named Michael from yourself - Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
- Can now also specify whether particles are to be shown:
- Usage:
/effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles]
- Use 'true' to hide particles and 'false' to show; if value is not given, defaults to false
- Can now be followed by a target selector
- Example:
/kill @e[type=!Player]
- Now lists all entity using @e.
- Example:
/say @e[r=500]
will list all the entities in your world within a 500 block radius
- A new tag called "insertion" allows text to be inserted into the chat that, when shift-clicked, will insert more text into the players' chat input
- Example:
/tellraw @a {text:"CLICK",insertion:"This is a test"}
- Example:
- Can now insert values from scoreboards into messages
- Example:
/tellraw @p {text:"Have ",extra:[{score:{name:"Searge",objective:"reward"}},{text:" diamonds"}]}
- Example:
- Now has a
argument- Allows to print player's names
- Example:
/tellraw @a {selector:"@a[team=TeamRed]"}
will print everyone who is on TeamRed
- Can display entity tooltips when the
is set toshow_entity
- Example:
/tellraw @a {text:"Hover here",hoverEvent:{action:show_entity,value:"{type:'Zombie',name:'Dummy'}"
}} will print a message will display the tooltip of a zombie named "dummy"
- Example:
- A new tag called "insertion" allows text to be inserted into the chat that, when shift-clicked, will insert more text into the players' chat input
- Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
/time query <value>
argument to check the time- Has an another argument after that which can be
to check either the number of ticks since the start of the day or the number of ticks since the world was created, respectively
- Has an another argument after that which can be
- Now supports rotation arguments
- Example:
/tp @p ~ ~ ~ ~20 ~40
teleports the player so that he faces 20 degrees to the right and 40 degrees downwards
- Target selectors
- Now supports cubic areas
- Example:
gets all entities between 0,0,0 and 10,10,10
- Example:
- New radius value usable in target selectors, based on the block center
- A radius of 0 works for exact block positions
- New selector parameters for entity selectors to detect entity rotations with rxm – x rot min, rx – x rot max, rym – y rot min, ry . y rot max
- Example:
@a[rxm=-15,rx=15,rym=-45,ry=45], /say @a[rx=30], don't look down!
- Example:
- Tab-completing coordinate arguments will now fill in the coordinates of the block currently being looked at
- NBT Tags
- Can now be set to -32768 for items that never despawn
- Now work on all entities
- Uses the JSON text component instead of plain text.
- Capable of using the
tags. - Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes.
- Uses the JSON text component instead of plain text
- Might need some time before it can work in survival.
- Can be used to show scores towards players by using the
tags - Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Character limit is based on character width
World Generation
- Gravel roads in villages have cobblestone underneath, to prevent them from collapsing into caves
- Wells in desert villages are now made of cobblestone instead of sandstone
- Now spawn with stained clay instead of dyed wool
- Now generate on the surface of desert, mesa, mega taiga and mushroom biomes
- Changed generation of the marsh-like areas[12]
- Red sandstone now generates at cavern entrances in Mesa biomes
- The default world border is now an animated texture rather than an invisible bedrock barrier
- There is now nothing beyond the world border
- Is set at a diameter of 60 million by default, for both the Overworld and the Nether
- Players can't pass through it and take damage when outside
- If you’re stuck outside the world border, it is possible to freely fly/walk around (not possible to freely walk through the border from the inside though)
- When you get within a certain distance of the world border, a red-aura-like warning will activate
- Only visible on Fancy graphics
- Outside the border, the warning is at full strength
- Inside the border, the warning gradually gets stronger as the player approaches the border
- If the border is stationary, the warning is first seen as the player passes the warning distance, default 5 blocks from the player's location
- If the border is shrinking quickly enough, the warning will be first visible at the warning time, default 15 seconds from the player's location
- The
command allows one to customize various aspects of world borders like their size, center, damage and warning
Blocks and Items
- Reintroduced sponge to survival mode, with new behavior and texture
- Sponge turns into wet sponge when it soaks up water
- Water particles appear around the sponge when this happens
- Sponge destroys water blocks from 5 blocks away in a kind of sphere
- Sponge soaks up water only when water is touching it
- Now craftable from two stone brick slabs on top of each other
- Can now be obtained by smelting stone bricks, making them renewable
- Now craftable from one cobblestone and one vine
- Now craftable from one stone brick and one vine
- Beacon light beams change color when going through stained glass and stained glass panes
- Making it feed into multiple stained glass blocks/panes will combine the colors
- Beam now goes through all blocks that don't completely block light: Ice, water and leaves
- Now display the cracking animation[13]
- Beds did display the cracking animation previously, but not on their top and bottom
- Stack to 64
- The crafting recipe for doors now gives 3 doors instead of one
- Applies to both doors and iron doors
- New types of doors for all the different wood types
- Therefore, Wooden Doors have been renamed to Oak Doors
- Door item textures changed to be more detailed and more consistent with the new doors
- Trapdoors are now called "Wooden Trapdoor" [14]
- Can now catch fire
- Torches and redstone torches placed on walls now have an angled top side
- Are now held similarly to tools
- When a furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress will rewind at 2× speed
- Empty furnaces will now only accept fuel and empty buckets in the fuel slot
- Restore 3 hunger points instead of 4
- Restore 5 hunger points instead of 6
- Rebalanced how they heal and accelerate the growth of horses
- Can now catch fire
- Mined faster with a pickaxe
- Mined faster with an axe
- Mined faster with an axe
- When harvested with silk touch enchantment they drop blocks with corresponding mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides rather than the one with spores
- Made creeper, skeleton and zombie heads available in survival
- Creepers, skeletons, wither skeletons, and zombies drop their heads when killed by charged creepers. Wither skeletons continue to have heads as rare drops.
- Note that a charged creeper explosions will not yield more than one mob head
- Skulls worn on heads are now bigger so the 2nd skin layer no longer peaks through
- Player and mob heads in inventories and held by mobs/players now display the actual head
- Placed mob heads now show the 2nd skin layer
- Items in item frames can now face eight different directions
- As long as the frame remains placed, it remembers the orientation of the last item it held, and uses it for the next item it holds
- Item frames can give off a signal detected by comparators, based on the direction the item is facing
- Signal strength is as follows: 0: empty; 1: item; 2: item rotated once; 3: item rotated twice; ...; 8: item rotated 7 times
- Improved position handling of item frames
- Improved position handling of paintings
- Can now place pumpkins or wither skeleton skulls to spawn golems and withers respectively
- Will only place them if the body of the golem or wither is already built
- Can now place command blocks with pre-configured commands, rather than dispensing it
- Can now be placed on ceiling and on the ground
- Can now detect what way an item frame is rotated
- Can be inverted with a right click
- Reaches full strength at the opposite time than it would when set to normal
- This can allow for a light that turns on at night rather than day without the need of a NOT gate
- Inverted form cannot be obtained in inventory
- Powered activator rails will now shake minecarts, causing riders (players and entities) to dismount
- "Stone Stairs" were renamed to "Cobblestone Stairs"
- Minecart with TNT can be ignited with a flame enchanted bow
- Minecart with TNT explosions no longer stack
- No longer emit light
- Top texture now rotates together with the face
- Zoomed out maps now align to a grid as well
- Are now much faster
- Use the JSON text components
instead of plain text - Can be used to show scores towards players by using the
tags - Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Character limit is based on character width
- Might need some time before it can work in survival
- Use JSON text components instead of plain text with the new
tag - Capable of using the
tags - Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Might need some time before it can work in survival
- Copying written books will now mark them as copies/copies of copies
- The copying status of a book (ie. original, copy of original or copy of a copy) is denoted in a separate line in the tooltip, beneath the author's name
- Copies of copies cannot be copied
- Armor no longer gets colored when mobs/players are hurt
- Behave differently underwater
- They will lose all velocity after a few blocks and slowly fall
- Fire arrows will be extinguished
- Removed double stone slab's item form
- Removed double wooden slab's item form
- Can be right-clicked with a spawn egg in hand to change what the spawner produces
- Survival players can no longer look inside the command block to see the command
- Now show the entity (@e) parameter
- X/O button next to "Last output" in commandblock to turn off the last output string
- All mobs
- Updated to the new AI
- Mobs now show a glow of a slightly different color when hurt
- When struck by lightning, villagers turn into witches
- Now have a head slot where helmets or blocks can be applied
- Villagers will now only breed when willing
- The first time a specific trade is done, the villager will become willing, any other time there's a 1 in 5 chance the villager will become willing
- When a baby villager is born, both parents lose their willingness
- Villagers become willing to breed by consuming food: 3 bread or 12 potatoes or 12 carrots
- Finding out a villager's willingness in survival is difficult: The only tell is the amount of xp they give when trading; Normal trading yields 3-6 experience points, trading and making a villager willing yields 8-11 experience points
- Changes to villager AI
- Baby animals (sheep, pig, cow, chicken, cat, dog, horse, rabbit)
- Growth can now slowly be accelerated using the animal's breeding item: Each use takes 10% off the remaining time to grow up
- Tamed and untamed wolves now attack skeletons without provocation, similar to how untamed wolves attack sheep in the wild
- Now display a death message if named with a name tag
- Now run away from wolves instead of fighting back
- Now run away from creepers that are about to explode
- Now drop a skeleton mob head when killed by a charged creeper
- Hitbox has been change: 2.5 to 3 blocks
- Slimes and magma cubes
- Now swim as a result of the update to the new AI
- Randomly change direction every so often, reducing the chance of them getting stuck at walls or corners
- Slimes will now randomly despawn over time if no player is within a 32 meter range
- Appear to jump a bit more randomly
- When named and attacked, each new slime will keep its given name.
- Angry zombie pigmen now pathfind as a result of the update to the new AI
- Now run away from creepers that are about to explode
- Adult zombie pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance
- Now pathfind as a result of the update to the new AI
- Now walk slightly faster
- Spiders and cave spiders
- Can no longer draw line of sight through opaque blocks
- Blazes will now shoot the player even if there are solid blocks between them
- Armor on Giants is now rendered
- Silverfish will stop occasionally before moving again (similarly to most mobs)
- Now run away from other creepers that are about to explode
- Now drop a creeper mob head when killed by a charged creeper
- Now run away from creepers that are about to explode
- Now drop a zombie mob head when killed by a charged creeper
- Now run away from creepers that are about to explode
- Now attack the player as soon as it is attacked, but only if the player is in survival
- Snow golems below layer 64 no longer leave a trail of snow.
- Can be spawned by arranging the blocks in any orientation
- This does not affect the orientation of the spawned mob
- Now drop mutton when killed
- This was the longest wait for a major update to Minecraft, with 312 days having elapsed since the release of 1.7.2 on October 25, 2013.
- That's over a month longer than the development of Infdev and Alpha combined (279 days), and slightly over 2 weeks shorter than the development of Beta (328 days).
- 1.3.1 had the previous longest wait between major releases, with a release on August 1, 2012, 153 days after the release of 1.2.1 — less than a half of 1.8's.
- This was also the longest development to a major update in the history of Minecraft, with the first snapshot coming out on January 9, 2014, 236 days before the full release.
- The previous longest was also 1.3.1, with 111 days from the first snapshot to the final release, also less than a half.
- This update had the most development snapshots of any major update so far, at 52 snapshots.
- The update with the most snapshots previous to this was 1.3.1, with 19 snapshots, slightly more than one-third of 1.8's snapshot count.
- 488 problemi corretti
- Da versioni rilasciate prima della 1.8
- MC-19 – Having FOV over 100 and sleeping in bed will cause you to look inside your head
- MC-71 – Mobs don't spawn next to water streams if the x and z coordinates are negative
- MC-78 – Villagers crowd into a single building
- MC-92 – Slab & stairs lighting incorrect
- MC-99 – Skins sometimes disappear after death
- MC-107 – Potion of night vision: total blackout
- MC-129 – Chunks not loading surface, revealing caves, etc
- MC-208 – Paintings & item frames can overlap / z-fighting when overlapping
- MC-229 – The fullscreen/windowed mode toggle status is inconsistent when using hotkeys
- MC-267 – Potion effect status doesn't show if the inventory was open when it was cast upon the player
- MC-268 – "Jump Boost" does not reduce fall damage
- MC-272 – Inventory remains pushed over once effect has worn off
- MC-393 – Starvation prevents sleeping in bed on peaceful
- MC-404 – Viewing a map while invisible still shows both hands holding it
- MC-455 – Standing on exact x = 0, z = 0 coordinates prevents breaking / placing blocks to the northwest
- MC-486 – Zombies and skeletons don't burn on slabs
- MC-506 – You can make smooth sandstone into smooth sandstone
- MC-586 – Beacon light does not travel through water
- MC-665 – Minecarts and TNT are not moved by water currents
- MC-676 – Signs and chests do not display cracking animation
- MC-816 – 'Drowning' meter doesn't reset when there's a block overhead, in running water
- MC-888 –
command doesn't change the default difficulty in the options menu (singleplayer) - MC-1146 – Piston on same level as bedrock
- MC-1178 – Invalid biome ID in Superflat crashes Minecraft
- MC-1253 – Ladder, sign, fence, gate, trapdoor causes block it is placed in to darken
- MC-1298 – Slightly damaged and very damaged anvils lose broken texture when falling
- MC-1305 – Iron bar hit-boxes misaligned
- MC-1313 – OSX: Unable to see colored signs from the front
- MC-1406 – Server and client can disagree on block placement range
- MC-1428 – Arrows bouncing off mobs.
- MC-1451 – Sideways placed blocks (quartz, hay bales, wood logs) textures are not rotated properly
- MC-1458 – Zombie / Skeleton chestplate not displaying the sleeves of the chestplate properly
- MC-1489 – In certain directions, exiting a cart/horse/pig/bed next to a fence leaves the player on the wrong side of the fence
- MC-1499 – Can see the water lighter in a certain position
- MC-1532 – TNT flashing graphic when lit looks cut up and faded / z-fighting
- MC-1580 – Ghost items from trading with Template:Key-click
- MC-1677 – Retracting piston shows ghost hitbox of technical block
- MC-1769 – X-Ray by standing inside TNT / glowstone / block of redstone / leaves (fast)
- MC-1818 –
is lost when "picking" the skull in creative - MC-1831 – Incorrect fire charge noise
- MC-1893 – If you sneak, buckets will place water/lava/lily pads at the position you would point at if you weren't sneaking
- MC-1918 – When activated TNT falls into an endportal, the TNT will be in the ground in the end.
- MC-2053 – Inconsistent door texture
- MC-2071 – Pausing the game or opening any GUI in a nether portal does not work
- MC-2117 – Beacon beam not viewable on low render distance
- MC-2292 – OS X: Template:Key modifier key instead of Template:Key
- MC-2335 – Walking from blocks higher than 0.5 and lower than 1.0 into 2 high gates is VERY inconsistent.
- MC-2344 – Skeletons don't pick up enchanted bow
- MC-2346 – Hitbox of anvil not proportional
- MC-2367 – Players can place and remove arbitrary blocks in Adventure mode, breaking pre-1.4.2 maps
- MC-2487 – Lighting cocoa | glowing when hit
- MC-2559 – Squids taking damage while in water
- MC-2713 – Occasionally you can't hit entities with anything
- MC-2789 – Unbreakable blocks in adventure mode: hay block, TNT, Silverfish, piston, cactus, bed, fire, sponge
- MC-2911 –
commands allow parameters other thantrue
- MC-2930 – Heart bar doesn't show how much damage is dealt to the player
- MC-2947 – Ghasts and witches do not aim properly
- MC-2990 – Heads, beds, and doors can't be placed where there is thin snow
- MC-3066 – Adventure Mode breaking transparent blocks
- MC-3084 – Models improperly shaded at certain angles
- MC-3100 – Stone stairs are named incorrectly, they should be called cobblestone stairs
- MC-3151 – New mob AI doesn't take world limit/Void into account for pathing
- MC-3230 – Black squares on 3rd person view
- MC-3337 – Cannot walk through 2 high hole with chest / soul sand / portal frames in floor
- MC-3444 – The
command will stack any item - MC-3450 – While lying in bed nearby mobs will look above the player
- MC-3493 – Item frames "jumping"
- MC-3583 –
java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception ticking world (at ml.c(SourceFile:199))
(Corrupted Nether chunks) - MC-3599 – Sleeping in beds above layer 128 in multiplayer causes the player to fall into the void (visually only)
- MC-3615 – Seeing through lava
- MC-3631 – Creepers float one-eighth of a block above the ground
- MC-3664 – Golden carrot Creative misplacement
- MC-3668 – When going through nether portals with (potion) effects, the effect animations (particles, fire, visibility, additional hearts) are lost
- MC-3716 – Ender Pearls and Beds
- MC-3718 – Textures and Effects are off when far away from the center of the map
- MC-3781 – Creepers make no attempt to get as close as possible to the Player to explode
- MC-3808 – Power components (buttons, pressure plates, detector rails, etc) sometimes output too short pulse
- MC-3818 – Playing stacked music discs in jukebox will duplicate them
- MC-3884 – No splash sound when items dropped in water
- MC-3995 – Sponges won't absorb water
- MC-4008 – Pick block item duplication
- MC-4077 – Player hitboxes in debug mode are rendered too high
- MC-4222 – While under the effect of a night vision potion, enemies no longer flash red upon taking damage
- MC-4239 – Redstone and string in a cobble generator turn into obsidian
- MC-4286 – TNT explosion does not show in 3rd person
- MC-4329 – Parts of enchanted leather armor, when held, don't shimmer
- MC-4402 – Brewing Stand becomes bright upon punch
- MC-4410 – Floating in 3rd person while sneaking
- MC-4476 – Endermen don't teleport when battling other mobs up close
- MC-4490 – Fishing rod not attached in 3rd person while crouching
- MC-4546 – Sheep spawn eggs have wrong texture when thrown on the ground (fast graphics)
- MC-4660 – Potions render differently in hand than in inventory/storage
- MC-4743 – Survival inventory not showing picked up items in creative
- MC-4767 – Shadow on the block above your head
- MC-4772 – Head items not rendered properly in 3D
- MC-4837 – Zombie/player held beacon experience z-fighting
- MC-4855 – Mob spawners miss a row on X and Z axis for the spawn range
- MC-4930 – Flight can be faster than chunk load
- MC-4934 – Squids Make Footstep Sounds
- MC-5018 – Wide characters (e.g. Tildes ~) overflow on signs
- MC-5164 – Strength and weakness potions do not work on aggressive wolves
- MC-5206 – Renamed items' name isn't shown in italic or coloured on item switching
- MC-5215 – Mob spawner "
" tag only has maximum range of 4 above and 4 below - MC-5218 – Odd Box Underwater
- MC-5270 – Suffocation screen is buggy while standing in lava
- MC-5306 – Enchanted blocks don't show enchantment in your hand, inventory, as headwear (skulls/pumpkins) or when dropped on the ground
- MC-5312 – Thorns not working against some monsters
- MC-5313 – Durability on Shears does not go down when used on wool blocks
- MC-5477 – Fireworks and given dye beyond id 15
- MC-5506 – Villagers offer enchanted book trades you can't possibly do
- MC-5525 – Some sounds play at a low volume
- MC-5585 – The Ender Dragon is not affected by the Sharpness and Power enchantment
- MC-5610 – Redstone Dust on tall grass (placement bug)
- MC-5653 – Enchanted book offers will only ever get worse with villager trades
- MC-5824 – Cactus can grow next to blocks
- MC-5860 – Endermen can place cacti in illegal places
- MC-5962 – When first loading a world, chests and trapped chests have a visual glitch in hotbar
- MC-5991 – Hoppers use wood sounds for placing/breaking
- MC-6095 – There is a very small gap at the hopper block model
- MC-6179 – Chickens don't save their egg lay timer
- MC-6773 – Renaming a slime or Magma cube, Once it splits it no longer has its custom name.
- MC-7001 – Items in item frame get dark when rotated (fast graphics)
- MC-7133 – Texture of burning furnace(ID 62) shows no face in inventory
- MC-7157 – Minecart with furnace texture shows active furnace without powering it
- MC-7432 – Real zombie sieges fail to start (fix included)
- MC-7443 – Temporary floating minecart by pistons
- MC-7463 – Mooshrooms need grass to spawn from mob spawners instead of Mycelium
- MC-7488 – Village siege's spawn location is calculated incorrectly (fix included)
- MC-7508 – Lighting error due to
ignoring block at the top level of anExtendedBlockStorage
instance (off by 1 error) - MC-7736 – Death message "was blown up by spider" if attacked by spider but then blown up by TNT
- MC-7807 – Thrown eggs look like snowballs when hitting something
- MC-7896 – TNT minecarts that are set on fire drop TNT and a minecart
- MC-8201 – Lit TNT falls into floor on reload
- MC-8255 – TNT does not make fuse sound when dispensed out of dispenser
- MC-8509 – Iron bars texture gap
- MC-8645 – Redstone signal with strength 1 doesn't affect block when going up on it after a block powered by a comparator
- MC-8648 – Upon naming an item, it no longer grows in base value after being repaired on an anvil
- MC-8662 – Items are not centered correctly within frames
- MC-8785 – Placing snow cover to side of block replaces current cover regardless of thickness
- MC-8858 – Rain goes through upside-down stairs
- MC-8881 – Mobs treat any layered snow as non-solid
- MC-8898 – Player hitbox is rendered in inventory
- MC-8987 – Flame-enchanted bows don't activate TNT minecarts
- MC-9097 –
producing true comparator signal with invalid parameters - MC-9134 – powered sloped powered, detector and activator rail has wrong hitbox
- MC-9164 – Chickens can be bred with nether wart, melon seeds, and pumpkin seeds
- MC-9173 – Side of dropped items and items in item frames don't appear enchanted
- MC-9177 – Tripwire doesn't have two sided faces
- MC-9275 – TNT is not ignited when right-clicked by a fire charge
- MC-9388 – Baby mobs cannot swim
- MC-9406 – Underwater effect on held item at high aspect ratios
- MC-9473 – Unnecessary delay of "Done" button in the resource pack selection menu
- MC-9539 – "
" command still doesn't work from multiplayer server console - MC-9553 – Wrong rendering order of particles, hitboxes, clouds, transparent blocks and breaking animations - partial fix: particles only
- MC-9562 – Double clicking in creative inventory doesn't auto stack the items
- MC-9582 – Whole-word selection behaves erratically in chat
- MC-9664 – Blaze / Ghast fireballs can make fire with mobGriefing off
- MC-9752 – The command block will detect players who are dead, but have not yet hit respawn
- MC-9787 – The game crashes when trading with villagers
- MC-9806 – No name color when using
- MC-9866 – Upper part of a door does not open when placing a block of redstone beside it
- MC-9998 – Breaking blocks in Creative can produce particles from blocks behind the broken block
- MC-10046 – Random destination routine has a small statistical tendency to move more north west (fix included)
- MC-10095 – Minecarts and Primed TNT can be set on fire but cannot be extinguished by water
- MC-10099 – Angry Zombie Pigmen usually won't jump over 1-high transparent blocks to get to enemies
- MC-10198 – Adding more items to smelt into a Furnace at the same time an item is done smelting glitches the item count
- MC-10206 – Breaking animation displayed on top of cauldron and hopper
- MC-10209 – More World Options menus for bonus chest and hardcore aren't blacked out
- MC-10323 – Enchanted Items close to the screen drop FPS
- MC-10387 – The bottom of a hopper becomes dark while being broken
- MC-11023 – Retracting piston arm incorrect lighting
- MC-11170 – Template:Key pie graph bug
- MC-11207 – Clicking hotbar hotkey (Template:Key-Template:Key) to move a stack of items / blocks to enchanting table deletes all but one of a stack
- MC-11270 – Scoreboard doesn't work with offline / non-existent players
- MC-11524 – Slime & minecart
- MC-11607 – Right click with undyed leather armor part on cauldron with water still lower water layer
- MC-11651 – UTF-8 domain name support
- MC-11672 – Right-clicking outside of the inventory tab while holding a stack drops whole stack
- MC-11681 – Players' nameplates are too low while sleeping in beds
- MC-11987 –
autocomplete gives incorrect arguments - MC-12061 – Witch hitbox
- MC-12363 – Lava bucket in inventory becomes empty bucket
- MC-12550 – Dying when in nether portal -- in the nether -- crashes MC.
- MC-12640 – Scoreboard disappears when there are too many entries
- MC-12730 – TNT placed on fence/nether fence/cobble wall/mossy wall and ignited has TNT fall through floor
- MC-13007 – Double Fence Gates near Cobblestone Wall at the wrong height
- MC-13346 – Creating empty flatland worlds
- MC-13381 – Spawner shows activity when eyes pos in range, but actually only produces mobs when feet pos in range
- MC-13431 – Vines prevent tree growth
- MC-13485 – Tripwire hook texture looks weird
- MC-13633 – Horse's jump bar appears even when the horse isn't saddled yet
- MC-13771 – Carpet and layered snow blocks not properly visible in hand
- MC-13799 – Selection box of fence is hidden when a leash/lead is tied to it
- MC-14398 – Throwing splash potions while riding a horse has no effect on the horse
- MC-14617 – Difficulty settings from one single player world carry over into others
- MC-14671 – 1-tick pulse sustaining with repeaters
- MC-14816 – Optical item duplication when shift clicking from second anvil slot back to inventory
- MC-14861 – Teleporting using commands resets the velocity
- MC-15084 – Leads not dropping when a leashed mob is killed
- MC-15093 – Named mobs names not visible through glass
- MC-15112 – Zombies retaliate when only hitten in Creative Mode
- MC-15202 – Player can be pushed around by mobs while on horseback
- MC-15289 – Illegal stance when teleporting to large y coordinates; rendering world unplayable
- MC-15370 – Hay bale: horses heal + speed growth mismatch if crafted with 9 wheat
- MC-15707 – Wild and hostile wolves can be leashed
- MC-16387 – Nether Fortresses are ignoring "Generate Structure" setting at world creation
- MC-16457 – Pumpkin texture flips when made into snowman
- MC-16587 – Glass pane / iron bar graphical bug
- MC-16608 – Text color in hopper and brewing stand GUI changes
- MC-16753 – Glass bottle is consumed upon right-click on a water source / cauldron in creative
- MC-17035 – Can teleport dead and unrespawned player
- MC-17047 – Placing heads doesn't cause block updates
- MC-17156 – "
" Command throwsArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
on high Item ID values - MC-17624 – Breaking stairs graphical glitch
- MC-17739 – [NVidia graphics card] Leather armor experiences z-fighting
- MC-17868 – Zombies in water AI glitch
- MC-17876 – Health Boost extra health vanishes on login
- MC-18245 – Renaming + enchanting cost bug
- MC-18284 – New AI mobs see through invisibility
- MC-18477 – Iron golems can see and attack invisible hostile mobs
- MC-18752 – Entity shadows not rendered correctly after getting GL error due to compass in item frame
- MC-19205 – Tall Grass particles are gray when destroyed by placing water through another tall grass
- MC-19313 – Wet tamed and wet hostile untamed wolves use texture from untamed, unhostile wolves
- MC-19331 – You can glitch into a Minecart if you get in it on a slope
- MC-19702 – Wither armor has wrong texture
- MC-19886 – Plants don't cause an update when the block beneath is broken/light level changed
- MC-19996 – Statistics Menu Item Names
- MC-20046 – Missing absorption hearts when entering Nether
- MC-22395 – You can place block inside yourself by placing blocks next to fences
- MC-22586 –
command doesn't accept relative coords forx
parameters - MC-23940 – If you sleep in a bed near a transparent block, you can get in the block
- MC-24336 – Withers are harmed by the explosions of their Wither Skulls
- MC-24778 – Opening and closing sound bug
- MC-25370 – Mouse is centered when going to previous menu with Template:Key
- MC-25378 – Back of ladder missing - stronghold generation
- MC-26203 – Scoreboard: player does not appear in sidebar after setting initial score to zero
- MC-26572 – Mob/player head blocks don't render the hat layer
- MC-26987 – Horse tries to breed with another horse that is not yet in love mode
- MC-27538 – Sand landing on snow slabs is inconsistent
- MC-29408 – Tab support is not possible with player names when using the
command - MC-29431 – Search function returns some extra potion results
- MC-29475 – Arrow sound plays twice when shot into blocks
- MC-29515 – When tracking
, Template:Key-clicking counts 2 - MC-29518 – "
" and "stat.damageDealt
" track # of hits vs # of hp damage - MC-29558 – Double plants cannot be broken by placing a different block on the block it occupies
- MC-29559 – 2 block tall grass/fern does not produce seeds when broken
- MC-29588 –
Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException - Invalid Biome id
- MC-29590 – Breaking two-block plants shows wrong breaking particles
- MC-29711 – Sprinting while flying
- MC-29777 – Grass block's sides use fast version of texture when held in hand regardless of graphical settings
- MC-29796 – Snowing causes water drips
- MC-29803 – Statistics doesn't resize / Buttons missing after resize
- MC-29999 – Realms button is still visible even though the client is a snapshot
- MC-30002 – Falling / landing particles / particles applied to the player centered on the block rather than the player
- MC-30070 – Flowing lava can be blown up by TNT
- MC-30135 –
Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Getting biome
- MC-30192 –
glitching with scoreboard - MC-30350 – Superflat Swampland doesn't generate lily pads
- MC-30450 –
command creates crash-inducing items with incomplete[dataTag]
- MC-30484 – Giving items with unknown (high) data value crashes and leaves the world unusable
- MC-30527 – Achievement "Adventuring Time" does not work right
- MC-30543 – Particle effect when landing doesn't work on walls or fences
- MC-30548 –
does not display proper amount - MC-30568 –
command can't summon lightning - MC-30589 – Item frame only drops item upon explosion
- MC-30704 – Unsupported keys with foreign keyboard on Linux
- MC-30877 – Crops (Wheat/Carrots/Potatoes) not popping off in light level 0
- MC-30897 – Nether portal doesn't fully break when one or more blocks are destroyed
- MC-30995 –
replace doesn't replace same block with different tile entity / NBT data - MC-31047 – Use item stat corresponds to left-click, not right-click
- MC-31081 – Stone monster eggs spawn 2 Silverfish
- MC-31147 – Some blocks are invisible in Enderman's hands
- MC-31203 – Furnace progress remains after changing ingredient
- MC-31344 –
/summon mob
and/summon monster
- MC-31365 –
cannot specify chests, furnaces, dispensers, rails and droppers orientation - MC-31382 –
command (with enchantment IDs higher than 255) crashed Minecraft - MC-31572 –
ladder creates transparent block instead - MC-31574 –
/tellraw translate
on string with arguments without awith
argument crashes server - MC-31615 – Mipmapping: seeing green and brown "blocks" at the horizon
- MC-31728 – Resource pack glitch on shaders
- MC-32017 – Maps issue + Super Secret Settings
- MC-32284 – Placing an enchanted item with a non-existent ench ID will crash when placing it in the first slot of an anvil
- MC-32301 – Lava fizz sound plays whenever a flowing lava block destroys an air block
- MC-32434 – Various ocelot spawning problems, again
- MC-32514 – The well in a desert village is made out of the wrong material / cobblestone
- MC-32526 – [Multiplayer] Long names block scores in multiplayer
- MC-32579 – Attribute "
" not working thoroughly - MC-32867 – Stained clay blocks act as wood if a fence is underneath
- MC-32930 – Thunderstorms light level is still as bright as normal rainstorms
- MC-32933 –
() lighting performance issue - MC-32997 – If you try to give your self air repeatedly it will crash your game
- MC-33030 – Mobs (Endermen) don't flash red when hit in the End
- MC-33071 –
"Data tag parsing failed: Unbalanced quotation"
when parsing strings with semicolons - MC-33084 –
command at dead players - MC-33098 – Command Minecarts calculate as 1 block above where they are
- MC-33109 – Scrolling with mouse wheel in server list is unresponsive
- MC-33110 – Spiders (and some other mobs) are not affected by speed effects or
attributes - MC-33246 – Multicolor fireworks crash game when given using
, or summoned using/summon
- MC-33467 – Summoning a firework crash when using non-decimal colour values
- MC-33558 – Aggro tags don't work with Neutral Mobs that have New AI
- MC-33677 – Multiplayer: Clickable text in
not working if Options -> Multiplayer -> Weblinks are off - MC-33713 – Swamp Pools and swampy little islands removed?
- MC-33872 – All humanoid mobs except skeletons float too high above ridden entities
- MC-34648 – Torch not placeable on stained glass
- MC-34772 – Efficiency does not work on Packed Ice
- MC-34815 – Hearts do not blink when regenerating
- MC-34919 –
Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering screen
- MC-35431 –
commandblockoutput - MC-35617 – Cactus has incorrect inventory image
- MC-35856 – Multiple Background Songs Playing At One Time / Automatic music overlap
- MC-36103 – Nether portal block invisible in front of another nether portal block
- MC-36151 –
does not increment when game is closed - MC-36329 – Rendering glitch when looking at river through stained glass
- MC-36489 – Mooshrooms lose their name (from name tag) when sheared
- MC-36494 –
does not update compass - MC-36639 – Zoomed out maps do not properly align
- MC-36718 – New fragmented sentences in translation
- MC-36812 – Chat Opacity option is not working
- MC-36822 – Minecart with command block merging
- MC-36847 – No colon after Game Mode in world options
- MC-36867 –
/tellraw @a null
causes game crash - MC-36883 – Game freezes sporadically (0-3 fps) for varying periods of time
- MC-36947 –
/weather clear <time in seconds>
doesn't clear weather for anywhere near the amount given - MC-37075 – Hopper:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception generating new chunk
- MC-37110 – Wrong pinging icon
- MC-37203 – Hopper:
java.lang.ClassCastException:bit cannot be cast to fm
- MC-37215 – You are able to place a glass pane where you should not be able to
- MC-37355 –
alpha channel display - MC-37398 – Clicking super secret settings in the main menu throws an exception (but does not crash)
- MC-37416 – When the disk is put in jukebox the name does not appear
- MC-37494 – Potion Achievement logo visible and not grayed when required
- MC-37557 – Minecart sound when loading world
- MC-37661 – DataTag parsing/escaping issue
- MC-37818 – One block has no backface culling whilst others do
- MC-37946 – Pick block on grassless dirt gives dirt
- MC-37996 – Experience bar loses transparency
- MC-38014 – When
/setblock oldblockHandling
is set toreplace
, it still drops container items - MC-38127 – Wrong texture of a bottle
- MC-38637 – Maps framed on east or west sides of blocks are darker than north or south sides
- MC-38915 – You can place blocks on top of cauldrons when standing inside or on top of them
- MC-38944 – Joining Realms world "Cancel" button misplaced
- MC-39139 –
stat doesn't accurately measure distance - MC-39163 – Fishing objects
- MC-39228 – Zombies kill villagers instead of transform them (hard difficulty)
- MC-39456 – Ticking entity / Mob Persistence
- MC-39825 – Floating anvil using TNT
- MC-40367 –
/tellraw @a
throwing NPE when no players online - MC-40420 – Major texture/rendering glitch
- MC-40484 – Game crash after summoning
riding Villager - MC-40615 – Child animals obsessed about their parents, even after growing up
- MC-40986 –
command crash (stat.entityKilledBy
) - MC-41234 – "
"ed or spawnedLeashKnots
always spawn at 0, 0, 0 - MC-41594 – Game crashes when Ender Crystal is stacked on top of horse
- MC-41839 – Chicken Jockeys with Baby Zombie Pigmen do not work
- MC-41917 –
Unable to play sound: "minecraft.damage"
when attacking other players (SMP and in Singleplayer) - MC-41962 – Water texture bug
- MC-42312 – Range with command blocks subtly messed up
- MC-42475 – Not able to pick up item if given to a dead player
- MC-43010 – Non-standard texture resolutions cause rendering errors with mipmap
- MC-43012 – Glass pane z-fighting with itself
- MC-43984 – Normal players can use player selectors
- MC-44166 – Scoreboard objectives inaccurate in smelting objectives
- MC-44363 – Anvil rendering glitch in inventory
- MC-44597 – Unable to play unknown soundEvent:
- MC-44649 – Minecraft on Mac is called java
- MC-44669 – Dark oak color bug
- MC-44727 – Block IDs that don't exist as an item crash Superflat customization GUI
- MC-44801 – Excessive client-side chunk ticking 1.7.4+
- MC-44829 – Unable to load Twitch libraries
- MC-44881 – Command block custom radius
- MC-45087 – Id for cooked fish is "
" - MC-45173 – Moving A Block In a Certain Location Causes Huge FPS drops In Certain Chunks.
- MC-45222 – Trapdoor locks in position
- MC-45254 – Bold text is not correctly (right/center) aligned (invalid string length)
- MC-45264 – Item textures with overlays cause potion display box to turn invisible in a 16x16 pixel area
- MC-45375 – Improper cake, glass panes, doors and trapdoor textures
- MC-45568 – Item frame duplication bug
- MC-46082 – Crashes when populating a chunk with empty (void) columns
- MC-46431 – Iron Golem breaks lead
- MC-46570 – Spawning a Ghast at 30mil causes server to become unresponsive.
- MC-46634 – Thunder Volume not affected by weather volume settings
- MC-47705 – Blaze mobs attack Creative Mode player
- MC-47811 – The bottom texture of non-full blocks is flipped vertically
- MC-47974 – Villagers walk normally around when farming, but speed around when not
- MC-48270 – Slimes appear for 1/2 a second in Peaceful
- MC-48340 – Lava pools change leaves
- MC-48471 – Stained glass and other tinted objects turn completely transparent while pushed by a piston
- MC-48653 – Smooth lighting always ON regardless of the setting in
- MC-48688 – Anisotropic filtering
- MC-48760 – Redundant code
- MC-48904 – Words in chat do not wrap correctly and do not make a new line
- MC-49292 – Can't place End portal block in the End using commands
- MC-49317 – Creative Inventory won't Work when Keys replaced
- MC-49656 – Cobblestone walls texture glitch
- MC-50039 – You only get the Overkill achievement if you deal at least 9 hearts of damage, but the description says you only need to deal 8 hearts
- MC-50058 – breaking block with charged bow
- MC-50176 – Asterisk as name for score chat component not effective as translatable argument
- MC-50848 – Ender Pearl thrown before death teleports after respawn
- MC-50916 – Zombie Pigmen villagers are missing their inner head when spawned with
- MC-51214 – Fireworks given with empty
crashes the client when hovered - MC-51238 – Tamed Ocelots (cats) run away from player
- MC-51298 – Sign darkens when displaying tooltips (
hover text, inventory, player UUID in chat) - MC-51461 – Items do not go into chest from a Hopper while it is receiving items from two directions/inputs
- MC-51655 – Ladders don't break faster with an axe
- MC-51758 – Some users have multiple UUID records for
- MC-51776 – Command block 32000 character limit only works as a 16000 character limit within Minecraft
- MC-51856 – Torch placed on half block when placed against half-slab
- MC-51970 – Players sleep outside of bed
- MC-52357 –
changes thrown ender pearl target - MC-52540 – Lack of shading on east/west block variants using the
rotation argument - MC-52653 – Player skull lag
- MC-52881 – Knockback distance incorrect, depends on login order
- MC-53049 – wolf not attack target when hit by bow
- MC-53166 – Horses do not convert their owner to UUID
- MC-53206 – Realms join from other location - bug
- MC-53215 – TNT destruction nerfed
- MC-54386 – There is a small gap in the iron bar corner
- MC-54584 – Crash when creating an item with an
with anOperation
of > 2 - MC-54799 – Bad rendering: Spiders / Cave Spiders name above them
- MC-54818 – A powered rail that should be unpowered
- MC-55045 – Race condition in Linux fullscreen toggle
- MC-55103 – Upgrading MC server removes horses from "old" parts of map
- MC-55172 – Mobs do not spawn at the heights 16, 32, 48, 64, 80... (multiples of 16)
- MC-55382 – Glow effect doesn't work for drop items with data tag in Fast Graphics
- MC-55490 – Spawning cows on Mooshrooms
- MC-55681 – Unable to open chests until you open and close the menu or the inventory
- MC-56363 – Crash on auto-complete name of scoreboard objective
- MC-56541 – Redstone torches (and other redstone components) have inconsistent timings
- MC-56599 – On the
menu it shows/clear <player>
. But just "/clear
" works so it should be/clear [player]
- MC-56825 – Underwater leakage
- MC-58322 – Connecting to server that uses resource packs displays "Texture pack"
- MC-58557 –
Hopper: fs: Invalid index 0 requested for TranslatableComponent{key='multiplayer.player.left', args=[], siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=true, color=null, b
- MC-58823 –
also for graphic cards without Advanced OpenGL in video settings - MC-58961 – Back button overlaps kick message
- MC-59566 – Realms - error uploading world - Upload Failed! (Reams (404))
- MC-60665 – Creeper vs. potato crop
- MC-61586 – Client freezes for ~1 second in multiplayer when opacity of a block changes next to unloaded chunk
- MC-64287 – Incorrect display for Failed to Login screen
- MC-64571 – Ender Dragon destroys Command Blocks
- MC-64851 – Getting off of horse while jumping makes you fly (in Creative)
- MC-65060 – Heads
- MC-66316 –
appears twice in/help 3
- MC-66347 – Beds make incorrect sounds
- MC-67168 – Setting Anisotropic Filtering above 0 on some Intel graphics systems makes some textures appear fuzzy
- MC-67854 – Custom names on spiders, Endermen and Ender Dragons are displayed incorrectly
- MC-68151 – stained glass block texture dissappearing between blocks.
- MC-68341 – Cinematic camera keeps momentum
- MC-68524 – Java not properly capitalized in splash "Now java 6!"
- Dalle versioni di sviluppo della 1.8
- MC-44773 – Blocks can not be placed directly in front of you, disappears and you have to move back to place them
- MC-45463 – Villager Spawn Egg used on lilypad vanishes / Villager fall through lily pads when spawned
- MC-45586 – Villager Careers can be set to overflowed numbers
- MC-45867 – Item Frame Data Structure Error
- MC-46226 – Some items villagers drop are unable to be picked up
- MC-46551 – Cant see hand in book and quill
- MC-46594 – Debug menu not updating shader description correctly
- MC-47614 – Highlight Players / Spectator Outline view causes all entities to "light up"
- MC-47649 – Endermen walk weirdly when chase the player
- MC-48173 – Endereyes unplaceable in adventure mode
- MC-48735 – Villager and farmer inventory gets corrupted causing farmers to no longer plant crops
- MC-49171 – Shortly after respawning, the player's skin turns into a messed up Steve skin. It fixes itself a second later, though.
- MC-50338 – Baby horse not running
- MC-50754 – Creeper starts flashing animation when bouncing on slime block
- MC-50998 – Packed Ice, Farmland & End stone missing texture when reloading old world
- MC-52185 – Brewing Stand block bounding incorrect
- MC-52208 – Beacon beam not blocked by opaque blocks at the build limit.
- MC-52684 – Button item textures act as if they are on the top of a block
- MC-52919 – Book & Quills will not allow for new lines through command blocks
- MC-54582 – Mobs despawn if transported by portal before
- MC-54611 – Anvil appears damaged under certain conditions!
- MC-54684 – Withers can fly outside of World Borders
- MC-56068 –
command not summoning falling sand with the correct data tag
- MC-57884 – Coarse dirt & Podzol turns to regular dirt after tree grows on it
- MC-58931 – Transparent fence hitboxes
- MC-59904 – Primed TNT disappears and exploded after several seconds
- MC-60927 – Can't tell direction in spectating
- MC-61800 – Non-OP Adventure players can change spawner types, breaking pre-14w28 maps
- MC-62444 – Falling blocks disappear for a moment when landing
- MC-63194 – Overaggressive AO
- MC-64493 – Picking block on inverted daylight sensor doesn't work
- MC-66151 – Sponge does not suck up water smelted from ice
- MC-68149 – 6 Sided Piston Dedicated Server Crash
- MC-68720 – Server Spams ..
Skipping Entity with id WitherSkull & Fireball
- MC-69678 – when breaking a minecart with enchanted sword, earned Overkill achievement
- Dalla versione corrente (hotfix)
- MC-70340 – Upload world screen on Realms won't load
- MC-70349 – Players get kicked by operator on realms server after updating to 1.8
- MC-70654 – Hopper:
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
- MC-71584 – Realms not saving backups from more than 2 days ago
- MC-73426 – Operator players on a Realm can't use admin commands
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- ↑ In the en_US.lang file, " Trapdoor" as of 14w08a
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